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《High Performance MySQL》第三版是一本由 Baron Schwartz、Peter Zaitsev 和 Vadim Tkachenko 联合撰写的权威指南,专为提高MySQL数据库在高负载环境下的性能而设计。本书是针对数据库管理员、系统架构师和开发人员的一手资料,涵盖了从优化查询策略、存储引擎选择到集群配置和性能调优等全方位的主题。 该书自2004年首次出版以来,历经多次迭代,最新版本更新于2012年3月,反映了MySQL技术的最新进展和最佳实践。作者们以其丰富的经验和深入理解,提供了大量实用的案例研究和深入剖析,帮助读者理解和解决在高并发、大数据量场景下的性能瓶颈问题。 书中详细阐述了如何: 1. **优化查询性能**:通过索引设计、查询优化和避免全表扫描来提升数据检索速度。 2. **选择和调整存储引擎**:InnoDB、MyISAM、Memory等引擎的特点和适用场景分析,以及如何根据业务需求选择最合适的引擎。 3. **服务器配置与参数调优**:如何设置MySQL服务器参数以适应不同负载,如缓冲区大小、线程池配置等。 4. **硬件和架构优化**:包括使用SSD、集群配置(如主从复制、读写分离)以及硬件资源的合理分配。 5. **监控与诊断**:如何使用内置工具和第三方工具来检测和解决性能问题,如EXPLAIN、SHOW STATUS等命令的使用。 6. **备份与恢复策略**:确保数据安全的关键操作,包括热备份、冷备份和故障恢复。 7. **内存管理与缓存优化**:理解InnoDB的Buffer Pool和查询缓存,以及如何有效地利用它们。 此外,书中还包含了大量的实战技巧和注意事项,以及对MySQL未来发展趋势的预测,以帮助读者保持技术领先。由于版权原因,读者可以访问O'Reilly官方网站或在线平台获取完整资源,并通过修订历史记录了解每一次更新的内容变化。 《High Performance MySQL》第三版是一本不可或缺的参考资料,对于希望在MySQL性能优化方面达到专业水平的读者来说,无论是在企业级应用还是云计算环境中,都能从中受益匪浅。
2013-03-23 上传
We had several goals in mind for this book. Many of them were derived from think- ing about that mythical perfect MySQL book that none of us had read but that we kept looking for on bookstore shelves. Others came from a lot of experience helping other users put MySQL to work in their environments. We wanted a book that wasn’t just a SQL primer. We wanted a book with a title that didn’t start or end in some arbitrary time frame (“...in Thirty Days,” “Seven Days To a Better...”) and didn’t talk down to the reader. Most of all, we wanted a book that would help you take your skills to the next level and build fast, reliable systems with MySQL—one that would answer questions like “How can I set up a cluster of MySQL servers capable of handling millions upon millions of queries and ensure that things keep running even if a couple of the servers die?” We decided to write a book that focused not just on the needs of the MySQL appli- cation developer but also on the rigorous demands of the MySQL administrator, who needs to keep the system up and running no matter what the programmers or users may throw at the server. Having said that, we assume that you are already rela- tively experienced with MySQL and, ideally, have read an introductory book on it. We also assume some experience with general system administration, networking, and Unix-like operating systems. This revised and expanded second edition includes deeper coverage of all the topics in the first edition and many new topics as well. This is partly a response to the changes that have taken place since the book was first published: MySQL is a much larger and more complex piece of software now. Just as importantly, its popularity has exploded. The MySQL community has grown much larger, and big corporations are now adopting MySQL for their mission-critical applications. Since the first edi- tion, MySQL has become recognized as ready for the enterprise.* People are also * We think this phrase is mostly marketing fluff, but it seems to convey a sense of importance to a lot of people. using it more and more in applications that are exposed to the Internet, where down- time and other problems cannot be concealed or tolerated. As a result, this second edition has a slightly different focus than the first edition. We emphasize reliability and correctness just as much as performance, in part because we have used MySQL ourselves for applications where significant amounts of money are riding on the database server. We also have deep experience in web applications, where MySQL has become very popular. The second edition speaks to the expanded world of MySQL, which didn’t exist in the same way when the first edition was written.