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Waterproof engineering is an important part of construction projects, as the quality of construction directly affects the lifespan of buildings and has a direct impact on the normal activities and lives of people. The construction of waterproof technology is crucial for the overall construction of a building. This paper analyzes the current situation of waterproof materials in China and summarizes the preparation work before construction, quality control during the waterproof construction process, key projects of waterproof construction, and quality inspections by consulting relevant data and construction experience.
In conjunction with the scientific theory of construction waterproofing technology, constructive suggestions are made for the implementation of waterproof engineering from grassroots, waterproof materials, and critical waterproofing locations. Therefore, ensuring the quality of waterproof engineering requires careful design, key construction procedures, and the selection of appropriate waterproof materials. Scientific research on waterproof construction technology in construction projects is of great significance for scientific management and quality control of waterproof construction quality, which can improve the overall quality of construction projects.
Keywords: waterproof materials, waterproof technology, roof waterproofing, construction quality, construction engineering.
2021-10-11 上传
2021-12-05 上传
2021-09-18 上传
2021-09-20 上传
- 粉丝: 67
- 资源: 30万+
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