a high-resolution pixel as a pure unit surface on which the re-
and the solar incidence angle are uniform. From
(1), we have
Since each low-resolution pixel value (or radiance) can be
treated as a weighted average of high-resolution pixel values (or
radiances) over the corresponding space, provided that only the
uniformly weighted case is considered for the sake of simplicity,
we have
However, for pixel-level image fusion, it is necessary to
sample the low-resolution image and the high-resolution
image at the same pixel size. The low-resolution mother pixel
is thus replaced with 16 child pixels at 1-m pixel
size, whose pixel values may be considered to be the same
as the DN
, for the sake of simplification, and denoted as
DN . Then the one-to-one relationship
between the pixels of the high-resolution image and the pixels
of the low-resolution image is established at 1-m pixel size
(see Fig. 1). If we divide the corresponding pixel values of the
same band high-resolution and low-resolution images, then
is cancelled. We obtain
Within a low-resolution image, pixels can be classified as
pure pixels and mixed pixels. Pure pixels correspond to the
interior pixels (homogeneous regions), which originate from
the same type of high-resolution pixels. The spatial difference
between the high-resolution pixels and the corresponding pure
low-resolution pixels is caused by the cosine factor. Mixed
pixels correspond to the boundary pixels (heterogeneous re-
gions), which originate from different types of high-resolution
pixels. The spatial difference between the high-resolution
pixels and the corresponding mixed low-resolution pixels is
caused by both reflectance and cosine variations.
For pure low-resolution pixels, we have
Equation (4) thus becomes
Equation (6) shows that the ratio between DN
is controlled by the cosine factor and is independent
of the sensor band. It is worth mentioning that independence
of the sensor band is only approximately true. Perfect inde-
pendence of the sensor band is never achieved because image
formation in reality is far more complex than the simplified
image formation model.
If PAN represents a panchromatic band and MS a multispec-
tral band, then from (6), for
PAN and MS, we have
Manipulating (7) yields the equivalent expression
DN (8)
In practice, DN
, the pixel values of the HRPI, and
, the corresponding pixel values of the upsam-
pled LRMI, are known. DN
, the pixel values of the
low-resolution panchromatic image (LRPI), and DN
the pixel values of the HRMI, are unknown. However, as long
as DN
is approximated, DN can be solved for.
The mathematical model itself is the same as the HPM method
and has also appeared in many other papers, such as those of
[19], [20], andd [33]. However, different methods are used to
compute DN
in those papers.
Since (8) can lead to an ill-posed situation if DN
, introducing two intermediate parameters and in (8) gives
DN (9)
DN when DN and is set to 1 when
. Parameter is the signal difference be-
tween the HRPI and the LRPI. It represents the detail informa-
tion between the high- and low-resolution levels. Parameter
is the modulation coefficient for the detail information. It deter-
mines how the detail information of the HRPI is injected into
the LRMIs.
For mixed low-resolution pixels, (7) does not always hold.
One solution in this case is to subdivide these pixels into sev-
eral homogeneous sections according to the information from
high-resolution pixels; (7) will then hold true within each ho-
mogeneous section. However, it is hard to un-mix the spectral
of these pixels when the HRPI has only one spec-
tral band. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that (7) holds
true for these pixels as well, so that spatial information caused
by variations in reflectance is restored in the same way as that
resulting from cosine variation.
Equation (9) is considered as the mathematical model of the
GIF method. It shows that the pixel values of the HRMIs are
determined by the corresponding pixel values of the LRPI, or,
say, by the corresponding detail information of the panchro-
matic band and the modulation coefficients. The performance
of the fusion process is therefore determined by how the LRPI
is computed and how the modulation coefficients are set.
It is also worth mentioning that, while the GIF method is de-
rived based on the IKONOS sensor, it is also applicable to other
sensors where the calibration coefficient offset in (1) is zero. For
those sensors whose offset is not equal to zero, the DN must be
calibrated to the radiance or, at least, the offset must be cali-
brated from the DN in order to make the GIF method hold true.