Transformer Encoder
Linear Projection
Spatial-Frequency Token SelectionShared Feature Extraction Hierarchical Masked Aggregation
Masked Encoder
Triplet Loss
CE Loss
BN Neck
Token Selection
Token Selection
Background Consistency Constraint
Object-Centric Feature Refinement
C [cls] Token Patch Token Reserved Token
Dropped Token
Figure 2. An illustration of our proposed EDITOR. First, features from different input modalities are extracted by using the shared ViT-B/16
backbone. Then, a Spatial-Frequency Token Selection (SFTS) is utilized to select diverse tokens with object-centric features. Meanwhile,
the Background Consistency Constraint (BCC) loss is designed for stabilizing the selection process. After that, a Hierarchical Masked
Aggregation (HMA) is grafted to aggregate the selected tokens. Finally, combined with the Object-Centric Feature Refinement (OCFR)
loss, the whole framework can obtain more discriminative features for multi-modal object ReID.
ferent modal features with a heterogeneous score coher-
ence loss. Then, Zheng et al. [54] reduce the discrep-
ancies from sample and modality aspects. From the per-
spective of generating modalities, Guo et al. [9] propose a
GAFNet to fuse the multiple data sources. He et al. [12]
propose a GPFNet to adaptively fuse multi-modal features
with graph learning. With Transformers, Pan et al. [29] in-
troduce a PHT, employing a feature hybrid mechanism to
balance modal-specific and modal-shared information. Jen-
nifer et al. [4] provide a UniCat by analyzing the issue of
modality laziness. Very recently, Wang et al. [43] propose a
novel token permutation mechanism for robust multi-modal
object ReID. While contributing to the multi-modal object
ReID, they commonly overlook the influence of irrelevant
backgrounds on the aggregation of features across different
modalities. In contrast, our proposed EDITOR explicitly
addresses the influence of irrelevant backgrounds on multi-
modal feature aggregation. Our approach effectively iden-
tifies critical regions within each modality while fostering
inter-modal collaboration. Furthermore, the incorporation
of BCC and OCRF losses, along with the innovative SFTS
and HMA modules, distinguishes our work as a promising
avenue for improved performance in complex scenarios.
2.3. Token Selection in Transformer
With the increasing adoption of Transformers [16, 24, 31],
token selection has gained significant attention [1, 8, 10, 11,
23, 28, 33, 46], due to its ability to focus on essential objects
and reduce computational overhead. In vision tasks, such as
ReID, where fine-grained features are crucial, the extraction
of key regions becomes particularly important. For exam-
ple, TransFG [11] utilizes the multi-head self-attention of
ViT to select representative local patches, achieving out-
standing performance in fine-grained classification tasks.
DynamicViT [33] employs gating mechanisms to dynam-
ically accelerate both training and inference. TVTR [46]
extends token selection to cross-modal ReID, aligning fea-
tures by selecting the top-K salient tokens. However, our
method differs from them in the following ways: (1) Our se-
lection is instance-level, where for different input images,
the model dynamically selects different numbers of object-
centirc tokens. Unlike previous methods, which specify the
fixed top-K local regions for feature aggregation, our ap-
proach allows the model to adapt more flexibly to various
inputs. (2) Previous methods do not consider the impact of
distracted backgrounds during the early selection process.
With our proposed losses, we effectively stabilize the se-
lection process, achieving dynamic distribution alignments.
Thus, we provide a more flexible framework, ultimately en-
hancing ReID performance in complex scenarios.
3. Proposed Method
As illustrated in Fig. 2, our proposed EDITOR com-
prises three key components: Shared Feature Extraction,
Spatial-Frequency Token Selection (SFTS) and Hierarchi-
cal Masked Aggregation (HMA). In addition, we incor-
porate the Background Consistency Constraint (BCC) and