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Management Information Systems has gradually matured technologically. This paper describes the complete process of developing a pharmacy drug sales system. By analyzing the shortcomings of the pharmacy drug sales system, a solution for computer managing the sales of pharmacy drugs was created. The paper introduces the system analysis part of the pharmacy drug sales system, including feasibility analysis, and the system design part mainly introduces system function design and database design.
The pharmacy drug sales system administrator functions include personal center, user information management, drug information management, sales statistics management, financial statistics management, message board management, system management, and order information management. Users can register, log in, leave messages, and save items, making it practical. This site is a B/S model system, that uses the SSM framework, and MYSQL database design and development, fully ensuring the stability of the system.
The system has a clear interface, simple operation, and complete functions, making the management of pharmacy drug sales systems systematic and standardized. Keywords: pharmacy drug sales system; SSM framework; MYSQL database.
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