"Edge AI: 从预测到决策 - 时序性预测及推荐"
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The document "Book_003_Edge_AI_課程_從預測到決策_ok8.pdf" explores the journey from prediction to decision-making in the field of Edge AI. The content is divided into three sections, each focusing on a different aspect of this process.
In Section 01, the focus is on temporal prediction using RNN models. It discusses the typical AI prediction modes, the use of RNN models for temporal prediction, and provides an example of the game of rock-paper-scissors to illustrate the concept.
Moving on to Section 02, the document delves into the progression from prediction to decision-making. It highlights the importance of transitioning from mere prediction to actionable decision-making in order to maximize the impact of AI algorithms.
Lastly, Section 03 covers collaborative filtering (CF) prediction and recommendation decision-making. It explains the concept of CF prediction and how it can be used to make personalized recommendations based on user preferences and behaviors.
Overall, "Book_003_Edge_AI_課程_從預測到決策_ok8.pdf" provides valuable insights into the practical applications of Edge AI in making accurate predictions and informed decisions. Through a combination of RNN models, collaborative filtering, and real-world examples, the document offers a comprehensive guide to harnessing the power of AI for optimal decision-making processes.
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