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DC motor speed PID control and simulation is a crucial aspect in the field of automation and electronic engineering. This project focuses on the study of the working principle of a DC motor and various speed control methods. The control methods include open-loop control and closed-loop control, with a special emphasis on speed closed-loop control and PID closed-loop control. Each control model of the DC motor is simulated and analyzed for its dynamic performance to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each control method. This project utilizes Matlab for the simulation of DC motor speed PID control to gain insights into the dynamic behavior of the motor. By studying the different control strategies, it helps in enhancing the overall control efficiency and performance of DC motors in various industrial applications. Keywords: DC motor; speed control; PID control; Matlab simulation.
2021-10-08 上传
2023-07-02 上传
2022-06-20 上传
2021-09-16 上传
- 粉丝: 38
- 资源: 12万+
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