TABLE II: Classification-based methods (CNN: Convolutional Neural Network, CRF: Conditional Random Field, ICP: Iterative Closest
Point, NMS: Non-Maximum Suppression, R: Real data, RF: Random Forest, S: Synthetic data, s-SVM: structured-Support Vector Machine,
for symbols see Table I)
method input input training classification classifier trained refinement filtering level
pre-processing data parameters training classifier step
GS3D [104] RGB 7 R θ
CNN CNN 7 category
refinement step RGB 7 R x, d, θ
CNN 7 7
Papon et al. [88] RGB-D intensity & normal R & S θ
, z L
CNN 7 NMS category
Gupta et al. [81] RGB-D normal S θ
CNN ICP 7 category
Sliding Shapes [89] Depth 3D grid R & S x, d, θ
SVM 7 NMS category
Ren et al. [149] RGB-D 3D grid R x, d, θ
s-SVM s-SVM NMS category
refinement step RGB-D 3D grid R x, d, θ
s-SVM 7 7
Wang et al. [96] LIDAR 3D grid R x L
SVM 7 NMS category
Vote3Deep [77] LIDAR 3D grid R x, θ
CNN 7 NMS category
Bonde et al. [27] Depth 3D grid S Θ IG RF 7 7 instance
Brachmann et al. [28] RGB-D 7 R & S x IG RF ICP 7 instance
Krull et al. [29] RGB-D 7 R & S x IG RF CNN 7 instance
refinement step Depth 7 R & S x, Θ log-like CNN 7 7
Michel et al. [33] RGB-D 7 R & S x IG RF CRF & ICP 7 instance
refinement step RGB-D 7 R & S x, Θ 7 CRF ICP 7
more accurate results [128], [129], [130], [131], [132]. In
classification forests, information gain is often used as the
quality function Q
and in regression tasks, the training
objective Q
is to minimize the variance in translation offset
vectors and rotation parameters. For pose regression problems,
Hough voting process [133] is usually employed.
A. Classification
Overall schematic representation of the classification-based
methods is shown in Fig. 1. In the figure, the blocks drawn
with continuous lines are employed by all methods, and
depending on the architecture design, dashed-line blocks are
additionally operated by the clusters of specific methods.
Training Phase. During an off-line stage, classifiers are
trained based on synthetic or real data. Synthetic data are
generated using the 3D model M of an interested object
O, and a set of RGB/D/RGB-D images are rendered from
different camera viewpoints. The 3D model M can either be
a CAD or a reconstructed model, and the following factors are
considered when deciding the size of the data:
• Reasonable viewpoint coverage. In order to capture rea-
sonable viewpoint coverage of the target object, synthetic
images are rendered by placing a virtual camera at each
vertex of a subdivided icosahedron of a fixed radius. The
hemisphere or full sphere of icosahedron can be used
regarding the scenario.
• Object distance. Synthetic images are rendered at differ-
ent scales depending on the range in which the target
object is located.
Computer graphic systems provide precise data annotation,
and hence synthetic data generated by these systems are used
by the classification-based methods [88], [81], [89], [27], [28],
[29], [33]. It is hard to get accurate object pose annotations for
real images, however, there are classification-based methods
using real training data [104], [88], [89], [149], [77], [96], [28],
[29], [33]. Training data are annotated with pose parameters
i.e., 3D translation x = (x, y, z), 3D rotation Θ = (θ
, θ
, θ
or both. Once the training data are generated, the classifiers
are trained using related loss functions.
Testing Phase. A real test image, during an on-line stage,
is taken as input by the classifiers. 2D-driven 3D methods
[104], [88], [81] first extract a 2D BB around the object of
interest (2D BB generation block), which is then lifted to 3D.
Depending on the input, the methods in [88], [81], [89], [149],
[96], [77], [27] employ a pre-processing step on the input
image and then generate 3D hypotheses (input pre-processing
block). 6D object pose estimators [27], [28], [29], [33] extract
features from the input images (feature extraction block), and
using the trained classifiers, estimate objects’ 6D pose. Several
methods further refine the output of the trained classifiers
[104], [81], [149], [28], [29], [33] (refinement block), and
finally hypothesize the object pose after filtering.
Table II details the classification-based methods. GS3D
[104] concentrates on extracting the 3D information hidden
in a 2D image to generate accurate 3D BB hypotheses. It
modifies Faster R-CNN [117] to classify the rotation θ
RGB images in addition to the 2D BB parameters. Utilizing
another CNN architecture, it refines the object’s pose parame-
ters further classifying x, d, and θ
. Papon et al. [88] estimate
semantic poses of common furniture classes in complex clut-
tered scenes. The input is converted into the intensity (RGB)
& surface normal (D) image. 2D BB proposals are generated
using the 2D GOP detector [122], which is then lifted to 3D
space further classifying θ
and z using the bin-based cross
entropy loss L
. Gupta et al. [81] start with the segmented