Physics Letters B 742 (2015) 256–260
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Physics Letters B
Gauge field emergence from Kalb–Ramond localization
G. Alencar
, R.R. Landim
, M.O. Tahim
, R.N. Costa Filho
Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal do Ceará, 60451-970 Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Ciências e Letras do Sertão Central, R. Epitácio Pessoa, 2554, 63.900-000 Quixadá, Ceará, Brazil
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
24 October 2014
in revised form 22 January 2015
26 January 2015
online 29 January 2015
M. Cveti
A new mechanism, valid for any smooth version of the Randall–Sundrum model, of getting localized
massless vector field on the brane is described here. This is obtained by dimensional reduction of a five
dimension massive two form, or Kalb–Ramond field, giving a Kalb–Ramond and an emergent vector field
in four dimensions. A geometrical coupling with the Ricci scalar is proposed and the coupling constant is
fixed such that the components of the fields are localized. The solution is obtained by decomposing the
fields in transversal and longitudinal parts and showing that this gives decoupled equations of motion
for the transverse vector and KR fields in four dimensions. We also prove some identities satisfied by
the transverse components of the fields. With this is possible to fix the coupling constant in a way that
a localized zero mode for both components on the brane is obtained. Then, all the above results are
generalized to the massive p-form field. It is also shown that in general an effective p and (p −1)-forms
cannot be localized on the brane and we have to sort one of them to localize. Therefore, we cannot have
a vector and a scalar field localized by dimensional reduction of the five dimensional vector field. In fact
we find the expression p = (d −1)/2which determines what forms will give rise to both fields localized.
For D =5, as expected, this is valid only for the KR field.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( Funded by SCOAP
1. Introduction
In Kaluza–Klein models with extra dimensions (string theory
and others) the most basic tool is the decomposition of fields
depending on the dimensions they are embedded and its tenso-
characteristics. For example, working in D = 5 and taking the
important field as g
, the dimensional reduction to D = 4will
give us again a four dimensional gravitational field, a vector field,
and a scalar field (the dilaton) as dynamical actors. Enlarging the
number of extra dimensions we can add Yang–Mills fields in the
procedure of dimensional reduction to D = 4 [1]. The same can be
made to p-form fields. For fermion fields there is the specific pro-
to obtain in lower dimensions several kinds of fermionic
fields (chiral or not, real or not). We present in this work a simi-
procedure that can be applied to localize p-form fields in the
Randall–Sundrum scenario of extra dimensions [2,3]. Interestingly,
the results are similar to the fermion case and by dimensional
reduction we generally have that some components of the lower
Corresponding author.
addresses: (G. Alencar),
(R.R. Landim), (M.O. Tahim),
(R.N. Costa Filho).
dimensional fields are not localized. It is important to mention
that this procedure actually provides a new mechanism to localize
gauge vector fields: from a Kalb–Ramond field in D = 5we can ob-
the 4D Kalb–Ramond and an additional localized vector field.
We can think the gauge field emerges in this mechanism.
problem of gauge form field localization in several brane
world scenarios has been studied along the last years. This is a
necessary step to walk along since our four dimensional space–
presents us a propagating vector field, despite more possi-
signals which can be interpreted as coming from other tensor
gauge fields. In this sense, it is already understood how to localize
the zero modes of gravity and scalar fields [3,4] in a positive ten-
brane. However, the conformal invariance of the basic vector
model fall into serious problems for building a realistic model be-
the localization method gives no result. This problem has
been approached in many ways. Some authors have introduced
adilaton coupling in order to solve it [5] and other propose that
a strongly coupled gauge theory in five dimensions can generate a
massless photon in the brane [6]. Modifications of the model con-
spherical branes, multiple branes or induced branes can
be found in [7–16].
the gauge field (one form) other forms can be con-
In five dimensions we can have yet the two, three, four
and five forms. In D-dimensions we can in fact think about the
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Funded by