A Novel Anti-jamming ADS-B Receiver Design based on Wavelet
Denoising Algorithm
Zhiyuan Shen
, Siyao Zhou and Hui Yu
College of Civil Aviation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Abstract. As a core technics for next generation air traffic control system, automatic dependent surveillance-
broadcast (ADS-B) features faster updating rate and lower cost when comparing with secondary surveillance
radar (SSR). The state-of-the-art ADS-B receiver instruments are constraint with multiple interferences
problem. In this work, a universal software radio peripheral (USRP) based ADS-B receiver which is able to
suppress several jamming interferences is achieved. The I/Q ADS-B signal was firstly implemented to wavelet
based filter to suppress including out-of-channel blocking interference and in-channel pulse interference. Then
a correlation algorithm was used to find real ADS-B digit report. A series of simulations and real-time
experiments are used to verify the effectiveness of our proposed ADS-B receiver instrument.
Keywords: air traffic surveillance, automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast, anti-jamming, wavelet
1. Introduction
With the rapid growth of the global economy and travel demand, air traffic load experienced a tremendous
growth. The conflict between the limited airspace resources and the increasing air traffic flow becomes more
prominent. Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast ADS-B technology
gets more precise target location
and height information, which breaks traditional radar surveillance systems cannot cover the desert and ocean
areas, in which the integrity and accuracy of data was limited
. The Single European Sky Programme (SESAR)
by Euro Control and the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) by FAA are both considered
ADS-B as one of the key underlying technologies
. Compared to traditional data derived from ATC surveillance
radar, ADS-B receives global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals to provide accurate location information
for air traffic controllers and pilots in the air. The aircraft airborne equipment combines the GNSS signal with the
other relevant flight data and broadcasts them to other aircraft and air traffic management facilities
As an open surveillance means, security issues of ADS-B becomes the biggest obstacle. The most prominent
problem in ADS-B surveillance system security issues is man-made active jamming
. Jamming is generally
with wide bandwidth. This kind of interference is able to detect, but hardly suppressed only by enhancing the anti-
interference capability of receiving equipment. It causes that the ADS-B receiver cannot normally received
position and velocity information of aircraft. This interference will mislead pilots and air traffic controllers and
reduce the security level of the whole air traffic control automatic system. Therefore, interference problem is
necessary to be solved for ADS-B system.
The state-of-the-art ADS-B receiver without anti-jamming ability cannot send / receive useful messages
. In
this work, a universal software radio peripheral (USRP) based ADS-B receiver was achieved to suppress several
jamming interferences.
2. ADS-B Sampling
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-25-84893461; fax: + 86-25-84893461.
E-mail address: shenzy@nuaa.edu.cn
ISBN 978-981-11-0008-6
Proceedings of 2016 6
International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
(WCSE 2016)
Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016, pp. 366-370