
0 下载量 17 浏览量 更新于2024-03-27 收藏 716KB DOC 举报
d system designed to reduce the safety hazards and protect the lives and property of people caused by traffic accidents. The overload system needs to be able to determine if a vehicle is overloaded, and when a violation is detected, the system will sound an alarm and display the weight on an LED screen. For buses, the system will calculate the number of passengers on board. This design is based on the STC89C52 microcontroller as the core of the system, consisting of two parts: hardware design and software design. The hardware part includes infrared sensors and direction detection circuitry to record and evaluate passengers getting on and off the vehicle. The processed data is then sent to the LED display through the microcontroller system. The alarm system circuit includes a buzzer and LEDs, with a relay used to block the bus start function. The software part is programmed in assembly language and has a modular structure. After debugging the system, it is able to effectively warn and control vehicle overloads. Keywords: intelligent, overload, microcontroller, convenience.
  • 粉丝: 84
  • 资源: 5587
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