
1 下载量 101 浏览量 更新于2024-03-20 收藏 1.8MB DOC 举报
摘要:本文以基于单片机的多路温度采集系统设计为研究对象,通过对单片机的功能和原理进行分析,设计了一种能够实现多路温度采集的系统。论文首先介绍了单片机的基本结构和工作原理,然后详细描述了设计方案及系统实现步骤。通过对温度传感器的选择和接线方式进行研究,以及通过编程实现多路温度数据的采集和显示,最终实现了一个具有良好稳定性和精准度的多路温度采集系统。 关键词:单片机,多路温度采集,温度传感器,数据采集,系统设计 Abstract: This paper focuses on the design of a multi-channel temperature acquisition system based on a single-chip microcomputer. By analyzing the functions and principles of the single-chip microcomputer, a system that can achieve multi-channel temperature acquisition is designed. The paper first introduces the basic structure and working principle of the single-chip microcomputer, and then describes in detail the design scheme and system implementation steps. Through research on the selection and wiring methods of temperature sensors, and through programming to achieve multi-channel temperature data acquisition and display, a multi-channel temperature acquisition system with good stability and precision is finally realized. Keywords: single-chip microcomputer, multi-channel temperature acquisition, temperature sensor, data acquisition, system design.