Convolutional Neural Networks for Branch Retinal Vein
Occlusion Recognition
Runqi Zhao, Zenghai Chen, and Zheru Chi
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Kowloon, Hong Kong
{ricky.zhao, zenghai.chen};
Abstract - Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO) is one of
the most common retinal diseases that could impair people’s
vision seriously if it is not timely diagnosed and treated. It would
save a lot of time and money for both medical institutions and
patients if BRVO could be well recognized automatically. In this
paper, we propose to exploit Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN) for BRVO recognition. We propose patch-based method
and image-based voting method to implement the recognition. As
it could learn abstract and useful features, CNN can achieve a
high recognition accuracy. The accuracy of CNN is over 97%.
Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed
CNN based methods for BRVO recognition.
Index Terms – Convolutional Neural Networks, Branch
Retinal Vein Occlusion, Feature Extraction.
Branch retinal vein
occlusion (BRVO) is one of the most
common retinal diseases. It has a prevalence range from 0.6%
to 1.1% in the population [1]. Elder people with hypertension
or cardiovascular disease have high potential to suffer from
BRVO. BRVO would cause a great damage of human’s vision
if it is not timely diagnosed and well treated. It could lead to
blurred vision, retinal edema, or even blindness. The diagnosis
of BRVO is thus crucial. If BRVO could be recognized
automatically, ophthalmologists could save a lot effort. They
could pay more attention on the treatment. What’s more, it
will make the diagnosis inexpensive, as the hospitals could
save more money by hiring less people. Both patients and
medical institutions could benefit from it. In addition to that,
the detection of an automatic system is fast and objective.
The diagnosis of BRVO can be made by analyzing a
patient's fundus images or fluorescein angiography images. In
contrast to fluorescein angiography images, the acquisition of
fundus images is non-invasive and inexpensive. The
recognition of BRVO is thus conducted using fundus images
in this paper. Fig. 1. shows some examples of normal fundus
images and BRVO fundus images. The main components of a
normal fundus image include optic disc, vessels, and macula.
Excluding these components, the BRVO fundus images have
abnormal dark red regions, which have been pointed out by
red circles in Fig. 1. These abnormal regions are caused by
This work is supported by a Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
grant (Project Code: 61473243).
retinal hemorrhages and retinal edema etc. BRVO can be
automatically recognized based on the abnormal regions.
Fig. 1. Normal and BRVO fundus images.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is a powerful tool
for image recognition. It has achieved many successes in
various fields, e.g., large-scale image classification [2], 3D
object recognition [3], scene labeling [4], and face recognition
[5] etc. One main advantage of CNN is that it can
automatically learn abstract and effective features from raw
image pixels. We do not need to manually design feature
extraction algorithms for each specific recognition task. CNN
is therefore adopted to recognize BRVO. To the best of our
knowledge, we are the only group working on BRVO
recognition. In [6], we proposed a method named Hierarchical
Local Binary Pattern (HLBP) to extract features for BRVO
classification. The superior performance of HLBP was
demonstrated by comparing to other widely-used feature
extraction methods. In this paper, we will utilize CNN to
automatically learn features for BRVO recognition, and
compare the result with HLBP and other hand-designed
feature extraction method.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
describes our proposed CNN based methods for BRVO
recognition. Section III reports the experimental results.
Section IV concludes this paper with final remarks.
A. Convolutional Neural Networks
Fig. 2. shows a classical convolutional neural network
model. The model consists of hierarchical convolution layers
and pooling layers. For image recognition, CNN receives an
image as input. Multilayered convolution and pooling
operators are then performed on the input image. At the final
stage, the result of the last convolution layer is connected
978-1-4673-9104-7/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
Proceeding of the 2015 IEEE
International Conference on Information and Automation
Lijiang, China, August 2015