Preface xv
exponential and comment on the problems of determining the period of a discrete-
time sinsuoid. This is the student’s first exposure to some of the implications of
sampling. I define some discrete-time signal functions analogous to continuous-
time singularity functions. Then I explore amplitude scaling, time-shifting, time
scaling, differencing and accumulation for discrete-time signal functions, point-
ing out the unique implications and problems that occur, especially when time
scaling discrete-time functions. The chapter ends with definitions and discussion
of signal energy and power for discrete-time signals.
This chapter addresses the mathematical decription of systems. First I cover the
most common forms of classifi cation of systems, homogeneity, additivity, linearity,
time-invariance, causality, memory, static nonlinearity and invertibility. By exam-
ple I present various types of systems that have, or do not have, these properties and
how to prove various properties from the mathematical description of the system.
This chapter introduces the concepts of impulse response and convolution as com-
ponents in the systematic analysis of the response of linear, time-invariant systems.
I present the mathematical properties of continuous-time convolution and a graphi-
cal method of understanding what the convolution integral says. I also show how
the properties of convolution can be used to combine subsystems that are connected
in cascade or parallel into one system and what the impulse response of the overall
system must be. Then I introduce the idea of a transfer function by fi nding the re-
sponse of an LTI system to complex sinusoidal excitation. This section is followed
by an analogous coverage of discrete-time impulse response and convolution.
This is the beginning of the student’s exposure to transform methods. I begin by graph-
ically introducing the concept that any continuous-time periodic signal with engineer-
ing usefulness can be expressed by a linear combination of continuous-time sinusoids,
real or complex. Then I formally derive the Fourier series using the concept of or-
thogonality to show where the signal description as a function of discrete harmonic
number (the harmonic function) comes from. I mention the Dirichlet conditions to let
the student know that the continuous-time Fourier series applies to all practical con-
tinuous-time signals, but not to all imaginable continuous-time signals.
Then I explore the properties of the Fourier series. I have tried to make the
Fourier series notation and properties as similar as possible and analogous to the
Fourier transform, which comes later. The harmonic function forms a “Fourier se-
ries pair” with the time function. In the first edition I used a notation for harmonic
function in which lowercase letters were used for time-domain quantities and up-
percase letters for their harmonic functions. This unfortunately caused some con-
fusion because continuous and discrete-time harmonic functions looked the same.
In this edition I have changed the harmonic function notation for continuous-time
signals to make it easily distinguishable. I also have a section on the convergence
of the Fourier series illustrating the Gibb’s phenomenon at function discontinui-
ties. I encourage students to use tables and properties to find harmonic functions
and this practice prepares them for a similar process in finding Fourier transforms
and later Laplace and z transforms.
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