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Based on the research conducted in the document "Small Network Environment System Based on Snort IDS," it is evident that traditional network security technologies are insufficient in combating the increasingly serious security threats posed by modern network applications. In response to this challenge, intrusion detection technology has emerged as a crucial tool in safeguarding network systems. The core component of an intrusion detection system is the detection engine, the speed of which directly impacts the efficiency of the network intrusion detection system. Pattern matching, as an essential detection method, plays a critical role in the performance of intrusion detection systems.
Intrusion detection systems can be categorized into anomaly detection and misuse detection based on data analysis patterns. This thesis begins by providing a comprehensive overview of network intrusion detection, followed by an in-depth examination of Snort, focusing on its features, structure, and detection process. The primary emphasis of the paper lies in configuring Snort to work in a Windows environment and conducting simple experiments to showcase Snort's operation under DOS.
In conclusion, the research conducted in this thesis sheds light on the significance of intrusion detection systems in mitigating security threats in modern network environments. By configuring Snort in a small network setting, the thesis demonstrates the practical application of intrusion detection technology and the importance of pattern matching in enhancing the efficiency of intrusion detection systems. This study contributes to the overarching goal of improving network security and highlights the relevance of intrusion detection technology in safeguarding network systems against cyber threats.
112 浏览量
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428 浏览量

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