
下载需积分: 5 | PDF格式 | 10.87MB | 更新于2024-01-15 | 44 浏览量 | 0 下载量 举报
The document "refacoting-ui.pdf" provides guidance on how to approach user interface (UI) refactoring, with a focus on starting from scratch and building from a feature rather than a layout. The contents of the document include the following key points: Starting from Scratch: The document emphasizes the importance of starting with a feature, not a layout, when approaching UI refactoring. This approach allows for a more focused and effective redesign process. Start with a feature, not a layout: By beginning with a specific feature of the UI, designers can better understand the functionality and user needs that drive the design. This helps to ensure that the refactored UI meets the requirements of the users and the overall project goals. Detail comes later: The document highlights the importance of focusing on the overall structure and functionality of the UI before delving into the details of the design. This allows for a more strategic and efficient approach to refactoring. Don't design too much: To avoid getting bogged down in unnecessary details, the document advises against designing too much at the outset. Instead, designers are encouraged to focus on the core features and functionality of the UI before moving on to the finer details. Choose a personality: Another key point in the document is the recommendation to choose a personality for the UI. This involves considering the brand identity, user preferences, and overall tone of the UI to ensure a cohesive and engaging design. Overall, "refacoting-ui.pdf" provides valuable insights and practical guidance for approaching UI refactoring, emphasizing the importance of starting from scratch, focusing on features over layouts, and considering the personality of the UI. By following these principles, designers can create more effective and user-centric UI designs that meet the needs of both the users and the project.


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