Figure 1-3(b) shows another discrete sinewave x
(n), whose peak amplitude is 0.4, with a frequency of 2f
. The
discrete sample values of x
(n) are expressed by the equation
When the two sinewaves, x
(n) and x
(n), are added to produce a new waveform x
(n), its time-domain
equation is
and its time- and frequency-domain representations are those given in
Figure 1-3(c). We interpret the X
(m) frequency-domain depiction, the spectrum, in Figure 1-3(c) to indicate
that x
(n) has a frequency component of f
Hz and a reduced-amplitude frequency component of 2f
Notice three things in Figure 1-3. First, time sequences use lowercase variable names like the “x” in x
(n), and
uppercase symbols for frequency-domain variables such as the “X” in X
(m). The term X
(m) is read as “the
spectral sequence X sub one of m.” Second, because the X
(m) frequency-domain representation of the x
time sequence is itself a sequence (a list of numbers), we use the index “m” to keep track of individual elements
in X
(m). We can list frequency-domain sequences just as we did with the time sequence in Eq. (1-2). For
example, X
(m) is listed as
where the frequency index m is the integer sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Third, because the x
(n) + x
(n) sinewaves
have a phase shift of zero degrees relative to each other, we didn’t really need to bother depicting this phase
relationship in X
(m) in Figure 1-3(c). In general, however, phase relationships in frequency-domain
sequences are important, and we’ll cover that subject in Chapters 3 and 5.
A key point to keep in mind here is that we now know three equivalent ways to describe a discrete-time
waveform. Mathematically, we can use a time-domain equation like Eq. (1-6). We can also represent a time-
domain waveform graphically as we did on the left side of Figure 1-3, and we can depict its corresponding,
discrete, frequency-domain equivalent as that on the right side of Figure 1-3.
As it turns out, the discrete time-domain signals we’re concerned with are not only quantized in time; their
amplitude values are also quantized. Because we represent all digital quantities with binary numbers, there’s a
limit to the resolution, or granularity, that we have in representing the values of discrete numbers. Although
signal amplitude quantization can be an important consideration—we cover that particular topic in Chapter
12—we won’t worry about it just now.
1.2 Signal Amplitude, Magnitude, Power
Let’s define two important terms that we’ll be using throughout this book: amplitude and magnitude. It’s not
surprising that, to the layman, these terms are typically used interchangeably. When we check our thesaurus,
we find that they are synonymous.
In engineering, however, they mean two different things, and we must keep that difference clear in our
discussions. The amplitude of a variable is the measure of how far, and in what direction, that variable differs
from zero. Thus, signal amplitudes can be either positive or negative. The time-domain sequences in Figure 1-3
presented the sample value amplitudes of three different waveforms. Notice how some of the individual
discrete amplitude values were positive and others were negative.
Of course, laymen are “other people.” To the engineer, the brain surgeon is the layman. To the brain surgeon, the engineer is the
The magnitude of a variable, on the other hand, is the measure of how far, regardless of direction, its quantity
differs from zero. So magnitudes are always positive values. Figure 1-4 illustrates how the magnitude of the x
(n) time sequence in Figure 1-3(a) is equal to the amplitude, but with the sign always being positive for the