
0 下载量 97 浏览量 更新于2024-01-28 收藏 3.56MB DOC 举报
Based on the provided content, the given passage is a summary of a graduation thesis titled "Design and Implementation of a WEBSHOP Management System Based on MVC Architecture." It discusses the importance of an information-based society and the growing significance of online shopping. The thesis proposes a WEBSHOP management system that is interactive and based on the MVC architecture. The system aims to establish an online marketplace and streamline transactions, saving on investment and operational costs compared to traditional manual management methods. The system is designed using a waterfall methodology and includes modules such as product, price, and name modules. It allows administrators to modify product prices and allows customers to query them. The keywords associated with the thesis are online shopping, WEBSHOP management system based on MVC architecture, product module, price module, and name module. Although the passage provides a brief overview of the thesis, it lacks sufficient information to reach the required 2000-word count. Further details and explanations should be added to enhance the summary.