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"商品经营英语(第二版)参考答案" 这篇文档是《商品经营英语(第二版)》的配套参考答案,旨在帮助教师和学生更好地理解和掌握教材中的内容。教材涵盖了零售业的各种概念、布局、工作岗位以及销售环境等多个方面。 在Unit1 Retailing中,Lesson1 Retail Companies讲解了零售行业的不同类型,包括百货商店(department store)、超市(supermarket)、杂货店(general store)、便利店(convenience store)、专卖店(specialty store)、购物中心(shopping mall or shopping centre)和仓库式商店(warehouse store)。通过学习这些词汇,学生能够识别并了解各种零售业态的特点。 Lesson2 Layout探讨了店铺布局,如A-8、B-34、C-56、D7、E-1和F-2可能代表了不同类型的货架或区域布置。对话部分提到了如何指引顾客找到特定楼层和商品位置,强调了店铺布局对顾客体验的影响。 Lesson3 Jobs介绍了零售业中常见的职位,例如收银员(cashier)、主管(supervisor)、程序员(programmer)、厨师(chef)、服务员(waiter)、搬运工(porter)和警察(policeman),以及教师(teacher)。对话部分涉及了求职者的教育背景和工作经验。 在Unit2 Being a Shopping Guide中,Lesson1 Sales Environment教授了各种销售场景,如超市、服装店、体育用品店和电子产品店。同时,学习了如购物袋(shopping bag)、平台秤(platform scale)、销售点系统(point of sales)等与销售相关的术语。 通过这份参考答案,学生可以检查自己对课程的理解程度,教师也能评估学生的掌握情况。提供的联系人赵硕的信息意味着读者可以就教材问题或反馈进行交流,确保教学过程的顺畅。整体而言,这个资源对于提升零售行业的英语沟通能力具有实用价值。

Q21: Which of the following is a valid user-defined output stream manipulator header? a. ostream& tab( ostream& output ) b. ostream tab( ostream output ) c. istream& tab( istream output ) d. void tab( ostream& output ) Q22: What will be output by the following statement? cout << showpoint << setprecision(4) << 11.0 << endl; a. 11 b. 11.0 c. 11.00 d. 11.000 Q23: Which of the following stream manipulators causes an outputted number’s sign to be left justified, its magnitude to be right justified and the center space to be filled with fill characters? a. left b. right c. internal d. showpos Q24: Which of the following statements restores the default fill character? a. cout.defaultFill(); b. cout.fill(); c. cout.fill( 0 ); d. cout.fill( ' ' ); Q25: When the showbase flag is set: a. The base of a number precedes it in brackets. b. Decimal numbers are not output any differently. c. "oct" or "hex" will be displayed in the output stream. d. Octal numbers can appear in one of two ways. Q26: What will be output by the following statements? double x = .0012345; cout << fixed << x << endl; cout << scientific << x << endl; a. 1.234500e-003 0.001235 b. 1.23450e-003 0.00123450 c. .001235 1.234500e-003 d. 0.00123450 1.23450e-003 Q27: Which of the following outputs does not guarantee that the uppercase flag has been set? a. All hexadecimal numbers appear in the form 0X87. b. All numbers written in scientific notation appear the form 6.45E+010. c. All text outputs appear in the form SAMPLE OUTPUT. d. All hexadecimal numbers appear in the form AF6. Q28: Which of the following is not true about bool values and how they're output with the output stream? a. The old style of representing true/false values used -1 to indicate false and 1 to indicate true. b. A bool value outputs as 0 or 1 by default. c. Stream manipulator boolalpha sets the output stream to display bool values as the strings "true" and "false". d. Both boolalpha and noboolalpha are “sticky” settings.

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