Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:127
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3350-8
Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
A smoothed string-like braneworld in six dimensions
J. C. B. Araújo
, D. F. S. Veras
Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal do Ceará, C.P. 6030, Fortaleza, Ceará 60455-760, Brazil
Received: 12 October 2014 / Accepted: 9 March 2015 / Published online: 17 March 2015
© The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract We propose a static and axisymmetric braneworld
in six dimensions as a string-like model extension. For a sub-
tle warp function, this scenario provides near brane correc-
tions. By varying the bulk cosmological constant, we obtain a
source which passes through different phases. The solution is
defined both for the interior and for the exterior of the string
and satisfies all the energy conditions. A smoothed gravita-
tional massless mode is localized on the brane, of which the
core is displaced from the origin. In contrast to the thin-string
model, the massive solutions have a high amplitude near the
brane. Furthermore, by means of an analog quantum poten-
tial analysis, we show that only s-wave gravitational Kaluza–
Klein modes are permissible.
1 Introduction
In the last decade, the extra dimension models turned out
to be a cornerstone of high energy physics [1,2]. In particu-
lar, the Randall–Sundrum (RS) model brought the incredible
idea of infinity extra dimensions through a warped geome-
try [2]. Some authors enhanced the RS model results to six
dimensions. Since the two-dimensional transverse manifold
has its own geometry, it leads to some nonexistent features
in the RS models. Indeed, for an axisymmetric brane, the so-
called string-like defect, the brane tension is related with the
conical deficit angle of the transverse space [3–7]. Further,
the Kaluza–Klein (KK) modes produce a smaller correction
to the Newtonian potential [4]. The gauge bosons can be
trapped to the brane by means of only the gravitational inter-
action [8]. Moreover, it is possible to localize the vector and
spinor fields in the same geometry [9].
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In spite of the aforementioned results, the string-like mod-
els exhibit some issues about their sources. In fact, these
branes can be realized as a stable solution of a gauge and
scalar fields [6,7]. Nonetheless, the solution for the Einstein
field equations for these models are still lacking. Amongst the
string-like models, one which the width of the string vanishes
and it is possible to concern with only the vacuum solution is
the Gherghetta–Shaposhnikov (GS) model [4]. However, the
thin-string-like models do not satisfy the dominant energy
condition [10]. In order to overcome it, some authors solved
numerically the equations for an Abelian vortex in six dimen-
sions which exhibits a smooth geometry and satisfies all the
energy conditions [11]. In the supersymmetric approach, a
realistic and smooth cigar solution was also found by numer-
ical means [12].
Another issue of the thin-string-like models, is that all
the regularity conditions are not satisfied at the origin [10].
However, some authors added a conical behavior near the
origin and studied its consequences [13–16], whereas others
tried to smooth this conical behavior [16–24].
In this article we explore some features of a smooth exten-
sion of the GS model built analytically. Besides, using a
smoothed warp function, the metric satisfies all the regu-
larity conditions. We analyze the geometrical and physical
properties of this model which yields an interior and exterior
string-like solution, allowing near brane corrections to the
GS model. The brane core is displaced from the origin. By
studying the gravitational modes, we find a smoothed local-
ized zero mode peaked around the shifted brane core. By
means of a numerical analysis, we find a smooth near brane
correction to the massive KK modes. Further, the quantum
analog potential possesses an infinite well around the origin
which barrier is strongly dependent on the bulk cosmological
constant value.
This work is organized as follows: in Sect. 2,wereviewthe
main characteristics of the string-like branes and we present
our extension. In Sect. 3, we study the properties of the source
from the Einstein equations. Section 4 is devoted to the study