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The PPT learning teaching plan "Discrete Paradigm PPT Learning Teaching Plan.pptx" introduces the concept of paradigm in discrete mathematics. The presentation covers topics such as proposition and logical connectives, logical equivalence and implication, and proof techniques. It also delves into the concepts of literals, disjunctive and conjunctive clauses, main paradigm, and the expansion and reduction of logical connectives. The main purpose of the lesson is to address the problem of dealing with a finite number of propositional formulas despite an infinite number of propositional variables, as well as determining if two propositional formulas are logically equivalent. The lesson introduces key terms such as literals, disjunctive clauses, and conjunctive clauses to aid in the understanding of paradigms in discrete mathematics. Overall, the lesson aims to provide a systematic method for addressing issues related to propositional formulas and their logical properties.
2021-10-10 上传
2021-10-05 上传
2021-10-05 上传
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