《Nginx HTTP Server 第2版:加速基础设施与高效服务》

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"《Nginx HTTP Server 第二版》是一本深入讲解Nginx Web服务器的专业指南,由Clément Nedelcu编著,由Packt Publishing出版。本书旨在帮助读者充分利用基础设施,通过Nginx实现更快的网页服务。书中不仅包含了丰富的理论知识,还提供了实用的代码案例分析,适合对Nginx有深入学习需求的开发者和技术人员。 作者在书中详细阐述了Nginx的工作原理、配置方法以及优化策略,涵盖了从基础安装到高级用法的全面内容。Nginx以其高效、稳定和轻量级的特点,特别适用于高并发环境下的网站和API服务,包括负载均衡、缓存管理、静态文件处理等关键功能。 读者可以在这里学习如何设置Nginx服务器、配置虚拟主机、SSL/TLS安全、URL重写、错误处理等方面的知识,并了解到如何通过模块扩展来满足特定需求。书中还强调了性能调优和监控的重要性,确保读者能够充分利用Nginx的潜力,提升网站响应速度和用户体验。 此外,值得注意的是,该书版权信息表明所有内容未经书面许可不得复制或传播,且书籍中的信息不带有任何形式的保修,这意味着虽然作者和出版社已经尽力确保信息准确,但读者在实际应用过程中仍需自行承担可能的风险。 对于任何希望提升Web开发技能,或者寻求在高流量环境中使用Nginx的专业人士,《Nginx HTTP Server 第二版》是一本不容错过的参考书籍。无论是初次接触Nginx的新手,还是希望深化理解的资深用户,都能从中获益匪浅。"
2018-03-20 上传
It is a well-known fact that the web server market has a long-established leader: Apache. According to recent surveys, as of October 2015, almost 35 percent of the World Wide Web is served by this 20-year-old open source application. However, for the past few years, the same reports reveal the rise of a new competitor: Nginx, a lightweight HTTP server originating from Russia—pronounced engine X. There have been many questions surrounding this young web server. What is the reason causing so many server administrators to switch to Nginx since the beginning of year 2009? Is this tiny piece of software mature enough to run my high-traffic website? To begin with, Nginx is not as young as one might think. Originally started in 2002, the project was first carried out by a standalone developer, Igor Sysoev, for the needs of an extremely high-traffic Russian website, namely Rambler, which received as of September 2008 over 500 million HTTP requests per day. The application is now used to serve some of the most popular websites on the web, such as Reddit, Wikipedia, WordPress, Dropbox, and many more. Nginx has proven to be a very efficient, lightweight yet powerful web server. Throughout this book, you will discover many features of Nginx and progressively understand why so many administrators have decided to place their trust in this new HTTP server, often at the expense of Apache. There are many aspects in which Nginx is more efficient than its competitors, first and foremost, speed: making use of asynchronous sockets, Nginx does not spawn processes as many times as it receives requests. One process per core suffices to handle thousands of connections, allowing a much lighter CPU load and memory consumption. Second, ease of use: configuration files are much simpler to read and tweak than with other web server solutions, such as Apache. A couple of lines are enough to set up a complete virtual host configuration. Last but not least, modularity: not only is Nginx a completel