最新《Android in Action 第三版》教程:全面学习指南

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《Android in Action 第三版》是一本权威的Android开发指南,由业内资深作者W. Frank Ableson、Robi Sen、Chris King和C. Enrique Ortiz联袂撰写,适合Android技术爱好者和开发者深入学习。该书作为Manning出版社的出版物,反映了Android技术的最新进展,旨在帮助读者全面理解和掌握Android应用开发的各个方面。 第三版的"Android in Action"将读者带入了Android平台的深度世界,包括但不限于架构设计、用户界面开发、服务与广播、网络编程、数据库管理、多线程处理以及Google Play服务的整合等内容。书中不仅介绍了基础知识,还包含了许多实战项目和案例,使得理论知识与实际操作紧密结合,有助于读者迅速提升技能。 本书不仅适用于初学者,对于有一定经验的开发者,它也是一个宝贵的学习资源,可以帮助他们了解最新的Android API和技术趋势。此外,书中还包含了在线资源链接,读者可以通过www.it-ebooks.info获取更多补充材料和实时更新。 购买时,读者可享受到Manning出版社的批量折扣优惠,对于具体订购信息和更多详情,可通过电子邮件orders@manning.com或直接联系出版社的Special Sales Department进行咨询。版权方面,所有内容受Manning Publications Co.保护,未经许可,任何形式的复制或传播都必须得到书面授权。 《Android in Action 第三版》是一本不可或缺的Android开发宝典,是每一个想要在这个领域取得突破的开发者的理想学习资料。通过阅读这本书,读者将能掌握Android应用开发的核心技能,跟上快速发展的移动技术潮流。
2011-02-16 上传
Paperback: 592 pages Publisher: Manning Publications; Second Edition edition (January 28, 2011) Part 1 What is Android? — The Big Picture 1 Targeting Android 1.1 Introducing Android 1.2 Stacking up Android 1.3 Booting Android development 1.4 An Android application 1.5 Summary 2 Development environment 2.1 The Android SDK 2.2 Fitting the pieces together 2.3 Building an Android application in Eclipse 2.4 The Android Emulator 2.5 Debugging 2.6 Summary Part 2 Exercising the Android SDK 3 User interfaces 3.1 Creating the Activity 3.2 Working with views 3.3 Using resources 3.4 Understanding the AndroidManifest file 3.5 Summary 4 Intents and services 4.1 Working with Intent classes 4.2 Listening in with broadcast receivers 4.3 Building a Service 4.4 Performing Inter-Process Communication 4.5 Summary 5 Storing and retrieving data 5.1 Using preferences 5.2 Using the filesystem 5.3 Persisting data to a database 5.4 Working with ContentProvider classes 5.5 Summary 6 Networking and web services 6.1 An overview of networking 6.2 Checking the network status 6.3 Communicating with a server socket 6.4 Working with HTTP 6.5 Web services 6.6 Summary 7 Telephony 7.1 Telephony background and terms 7.2 Accessing telephony information 7.3 Interacting with the phone 7.4 Working with messaging: SMS 7.5 Summary 8 Notifications and alarms 8.1 Introducing Toast 8.2 Introducing notifications 8.3 Alarms 8.4 Summary 9 Graphics and animation 9.1 Drawing graphics in Android 9.2 Animations 9.3 Summary 10 Multimedia 10.1 Introduction to multimedia and OpenCORE 10.2 Playing audio 10.3 Playing video 10.4 Capturing media 10.5 Summary 11 Location, location, location 11.1 Simulating your location within the emulator 11.2 Using LocationManager and LocationProvider 11.3 Working with maps 11.4 Converting places and addresses with Geocoder 11.5 Summary Part 3 Android applications 12 Putting it all together–the Field Service Application 12.1 Field Service Application requirements 12.2 Android application tour 12.3 Android code 12.4 Digging deeper into the code 12.5 Server code 12.6 Summary 13 Hacking Android 13.1 The Android/Linux:junction 13.2 A better way 13.3 What time is it? 13.4 Daytime Client 13.5 Summary