Visual C++ 2012入门指南:从基础到Windows编程

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"Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2012" 是一本针对初学者的VC++2012编程入门经典英文教材,由Ivor Horton撰写。该书全面介绍了Visual C++ 2012环境下的编程基础和高级概念,适合那些希望深入理解并掌握Windows应用开发的读者。 本书结构清晰,共分为18章,内容涵盖广泛: 1. **简介**:从介绍开始,引导读者快速进入Visual C++的世界,概述了编程的基础知识和本书的主要内容。 2. **编程入门**(Chapter 1):通过实际操作,让读者了解编程的基本概念,包括变量、数据类型和基本运算。 3. **数据、变量与计算**(Chapter 2):详细讲解了如何处理和操作不同类型的数据,以及变量的作用和声明。 4. **决策和循环**(Chapter 3):涵盖了条件语句(如if-else)、循环(for, while等)以及控制流程的概念。 5. **数组、字符串与指针**(Chapter 4):深入解析数组和字符串数据结构,以及如何通过指针进行内存操作。 6. **引入结构**(Chapter 5):介绍了数据结构中的结构体,以及如何在程序中组织和使用这些自定义类型。 7. **程序结构的进一步探讨**(Chapter 6):继续扩展对函数、类和对象的理解,强调代码组织的重要性。 8. **自定义数据类型**(Chapter 7):讲解如何定义和使用自定义类,以及继承和封装的概念。 9. **类继承与虚函数**(Chapter 9):深入剖析继承机制,以及虚函数在多态中的应用。 10. **标准模板库**(STL)(Chapter 10):介绍了STL容器和算法,提升编程效率和代码质量。 11. **Windows编程概念**(Chapter 11):为Windows应用程序开发打下基础,涵盖了窗口、消息传递和窗口管理等主题。 12. **MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)编程**(Chapter 12):介绍了MFC库,它是开发Windows应用的标准工具,用于简化界面设计和功能实现。 13. **菜单和工具栏**(Chapter 13):展示了如何使用控件和交互设计,创建用户友好的界面。 14. **窗口绘图**(Chapter 14):涵盖了图形渲染和基本图形处理技术。 15. **改进视图**(Chapter 15):深入讲解如何优化应用程序的显示效果和用户体验。 16. **对话框和控件**(Chapter 16):涉及事件驱动编程和控件的使用,如文本框、按钮等。 17. **文档存储与打印**(Chapter 17):介绍了文件操作和数据持久化,以及打印功能的实现。 18. **Windows 8应用编程**(Chapter 18):针对Windows 8及后续版本,演示了针对触摸设备的新特性开发应用的方法。 这本书不仅提供了一套完整的C++编程教程,还深入浅出地讲解了如何在Windows平台上构建功能丰富的应用程序,对于希望进入IT行业的程序员来说是一本不可或缺的参考资料。
2010-05-26 上传
Product Description The leading author of programming tutorials for beginners introduces you to Visual C++ 2010 Ivor Horton is the preeminent author of introductory programming language tutorials; previous editions of his Beginning Visual C++ have sold nearly 100,000 copies. This book is a comprehensive introduction to both the Standard C++ language and to Visual C++ 2010; no previous programming experience is required. All aspects of the 2010 release are covered, including changes to the language and the C++ standard.. Microsoft Visual C++ is one of the most popular C++ development environments and compilers, used by hundreds of thousands of developers Ivor Horton's approach to programming tutorials has achieved a huge following; this book gives beginning programmers a comprehensive introduction to both Standard C++ and Visual C++ 2010 Covers all the language changes in Visual C++ 2010, library additions, new MFC features, changes in the Visual Studio development environment, and more Also includes a brief introduction to programming for multicore processors in native C++ and C++/CLR processors Nearly 100,000 copies of this book have been sold in previous editions Beginners seeking a complete education in Visual C++ will find everything they need in Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2010. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file. From the Back Cover Build real-world applications as you dive into C++ development By following author Ivor Horton's accessible tutorial approach and detailed examples you can quickly become an effective C++ programmer. Thoroughly updated for the 2010 release, this book introduces you to the latest development environment and teaches you how to build real-world applications using Visual C++. With this book by your side, you are well on your way to writing applications in both versions of C++ and becoming a successful C++ programmer. Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2010: Teac