and when the input signal TRIGGER is asserted, it transits
to the streaming state, starts the integration time, and outputs
a frame, similarly to setting the stream mode bit via a
two−wire serial interface command. The difference with
normal stream mode is that after the end of frame, the sensor
will automatically go back to standby mode. To keep the
sensor in stream state and capture more frames, the pad
TRIGGER must be kept high.
The sequence of events is as follows:
1. The first trigger pulse generates one frame. The
sensor returns to standby
2. The second assertion of the trigger pad, generates
one frame, but at the end of this frame, the sensor
is kept in stream mode because the pad trigger is
still asserted
The detailed operations for the “FIRST FRAME” after
standby are:
1. Global reset of the pixel array is finished
2. Shutter pointer is started. After the end of
integration time for dark rows, the readout is
started. But, since the dark rows are normally not
output, the frame valid starts when the visible rows
are read
Trigger Deterministic Mode
Before entering Trigger Deterministic mode, it is
important to set 0x30CE [4] = 0 and 0x30CE[5] = 1. In this
mode, after a reception of trigger signal, the sensor will start
a frame length lines (FLL) time period. After the end of this
period, the array read out will start. This means that the read
out start time and frame valid out will be fixed to the trigger
The difference from the normal stream mode is that after
the end of frame, the sensor will automatically go back to
standby mode. To keep the sensor in stream state and capture
more frames, the pad TRIGGER must be kept high.
This mode is similar to the Trigger standard mode, but that
the readout frame delay is determined by frame_length_line
x line_length_pckclocks.
Note: Max variation is up to 9*Ext_clk cycles to sensor start
of streaming from input signal TRIGGER is asserted in
stereo camera with same setting and TRIGGER signal.
Trigger Shutter Sync (or Surround View Slave) Mode
Trigger Shutter Sync mode is useful for Surround View
applications. This mode is enabled by setting 0x30CE[5]=1
and 0x30CE[8]=1. Upon reception of trigger signal, the
sensor will start a frame length lines (FLL) time period.
After the end of this period, the array read out will start. This
means that the read out start time and frame valid out, will
be fixed to the trigger signal. The sensor logic will start the
shutter pointer before readout to provide the required coarse
integration time (CIT). The required CIT must not be equal
or greater than FLL. In HDR mode, the sum of all exposures
must be less than FLL.
NOTE: It is important that the time between two following
trigger signals is equal or greater than FLL, otherwise the
second trigger will be lost. This is due to fact that the sensor
can’t generate frames faster than FLL.
Programmable Trigger Delay Mode
The Programmable Trigger Delay Mode allows for the
time between the trigger pulse reception and the start of the
frame readout to be delayed to allow for proper syncing of
multi−camera systems.
The sensor needs to be configured in one of the trigger
have the trigger_delay_mode(R0x30DC[0]) enabled for the
internal trigger rising edge to be delayed. The amount of
delay is concatenation of R0x3400[15:8] and
R0x30DC[15:1] and measured in External clocks since the
sensor is in standby mode before the trigger has been issued.
Register/Field Name
Slave_mode R0x30CE[4] 0x0 When set the start of sensor readout will be synchronized with the
external trigger (applied to pad TRIGGER).
Frame_start_mode R0x30CE[5] 0x0 This bit controls the frame timing of the first frame when entering
stream mode (or trigger mode). When low, the integration time is
started and then readout begins. It means that the first frame will start
after a delay equal to CIT. When high, a frame time is started and at
the appropriate time point, the integration starts. It means that the
first frame will start after one frame time.
Slave_sh_sync_mode R0x30CE[8] 0x0 Also called SURROUND VIEW mode. When set and the sensor is
set to stream mode, it waits for an external trigger signal. When a
trigger is received, a time interval of frame length lines is started. The
shutter pointers are started at appropriate point and when this time
interval is finished, the read out is started. The external trigger period
must not be less than frame length lines, otherwise the triggers hap-
pening during the time interval will be ignored.
R0x30DC[0] 0x0 When set Trigger delay mode is enabled.