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In the graduation thesis "JSP1979 Basket MySQL", the author presents the design and implementation of a mobile application called "Basket" which allows users to shop for goods through an Android mobile phone. The system consists of two main modules: user and administrator. Users can register, log in, view product information, and make purchases. The administrator module includes user management, product information management, and order information management.
The system is characterized by its simple interface, easy-to-understand operation, convenient management, and comprehensive functionality. It offers high application value, allowing users to purchase goods anytime and anywhere through their Android phones. With a large potential customer base and broad application prospects, the system has significant advantages.
The development of the system is based on the Android platform and utilizes MYSQL database design. The thesis covers the background and significance of the project, the structure arrangement of the paper, introduction of development technologies, requirements analysis, feasibility analysis, functional analysis, business process analysis, database design, ER diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, detailed design, system screenshots, testing, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references.
By outlining the design and implementation process of the "Basket" application, the thesis aims to enable people to easily purchase goods on Android mobile devices. Key words: shopping for goods; Android system; MYSQL database; Basket.
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