Deflection angle switching with a metasurface based
on phase-change nanorods [Invited]
Chulsoo Choi (崔哲洙)
, Sun-Je Kim (金宣濟)
, Jeong-Geun Yun (尹政根)
Jangwoon Sung (成長雲)
, Seung-Yeol Lee (李承烈)
, and Byoungho Lee (李竝浩)
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center,
Seoul National University, Gwanak-Gu Gwanakro 1, Seoul 08826, South Korea
School of Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, South Korea
*Corresponding author:
Received January 28, 2018; accepted February 9, 2018; posted online April 20, 2018
We propose the active metasurface using phase-change material Ge
(GST), which has two distinct
phases so called amorphous and crystalline phases, for an ultrathin light path switching device. By arranging
multiple anisotropic GST nanorods, the gradient metasurface, which has opposite directions of phase gradients
at the two distinct phases of GST, is demonstrated theoretically and numerically. As a result, in the case of
normal incidence of circularly polarized light at the wavelength of 1650 nm, the cross-polarized light deflects
to −55.6° at the amorphous phase and þ55.6° at the crystalline phase with the signal-to-noise ratio above 10 dB.
OCIS codes: 160.3918, 220.1080, 250.6715.
doi: 10.3788/COL201816.050009.
Optical elements presenting active characteristics are es-
sential components that increase throughput of optical
data processing. Light path switching devices that ac-
tively modulate the direction of light propagation, espe-
cially, are in high demand for many applications, such
as optical communication
, optical data storage
, and
optical integrated circuit
. For a macroscopic optical sys-
tem, most of these devices are operated by mechanical ac-
tuation harnessing geometrical deformation of optical
or spatial light modulation of flat optic compo-
nents through an external pump signal
. However, it is
quite difficult to miniaturize light path switching devices
without losing reliable performance, though there is an in-
creasing demand for microscopic optical devices.
Recently, metasurfaces have been intensively investi-
gated and used as substitutions for bulky optical elements
in the miniaturization of the optical system. A Metasur-
face, a flat optical device with sub-wavelength thickness, is
composed of periodically arranged nanoantennas to modu-
late the optical characteristics of an input light signal,
such as spectrum, polarization, and wavefront
. Incor-
porating optically active ingredients in a metasurface is
required for the application of an active optical system.
In various active devices, tuning by an external signal
has been realized by using non-linear materials
, such
as a building block of a metasurface, or by combining
functional materials like environmental interacting
. Harnessing the phase-change material,
(GST) is the most effective among available
approaches, as their high-index contrast characteristics
and reversible switching property guarantee reliable
switching within nanoseconds
. Most notably, GST
is efficient in terms of power consumption by virtue of
its non-volatile phase-change characteristic—it maintain s
its transited phase even after the external stimuli is
. Among the studies concerning GST
, there have been some demonstrations that
achieve compact light path switching by Yin et al.
Cao et al.
. However, these devices only guarantee small
switching angles of 23.6° and 11° for transmitted light with
an efficiency about 5%, respectively. Including the work
done by Yin et al.
, previous metasurfaces designed for
beam switching are usually demonstrated by simply adding
two different types of meta-atoms on a single layer. There-
fore, only the half of meta-atoms are dominantly reactive,
whereas other half of the meta-atoms are less reactive.
These less reactive meta-atoms that transmit light make
unavoidable noise that eventually degrade the signal-to-
noise ratio and restrict the range of the switching angle.
In this Letter, we propose an active metasurface based
on the array of GST nanorods operating at 1650 nm. In
the proposed structure, the complex amplitude of trans-
mitted light is determined by both upper and lower
meta-atoms, which means that there is no classification
of dominantly reactive or less-reactive meta-atoms. There-
fore, it can exhibit a very large switching angle of 111.2°
without unwanted noise excited by a less-reactive meta-
atom with a signal-to-no ise ratio above 10 dB, which is
numerically verified by using COMSOL multiphysics.
By adapting the gradient metasurface concept
, oppo-
site directions of the phase gradient for transmitted cross-
polarized light are designed for two distinct phases of GST
in case of circularly polarized light incidence.
The refractive indices of GST in the crystalline and
amorphous phases are n
¼ 5.6 þ 0.7i, and n
¼ 3.7, re-
spectively, which are referenced from the work by
Park et al.
. Two different sizes of GST nanorods are lo-
cated in the unit cell as shown in Fig.
1. When the period
of the unit cell (with unit length of P
and P
) is in the
sub-wavelength scale, the transmitted cross-polarized
COL 16(5), 050009(2018) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS May 10, 2018
1671-7694/2018/050009(4) 050009-1 © 2018 Chinese Optics Letters