IBM 000-732 DB2 9 z/OS DBA认证练习题与权限管理

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"DB2 9 DBA for z/OS IBM 000-732认证详解" 在IBM 000-732 DB2 9 DBA for z/OS认证考试中,考察了与数据库管理员(DBA)角色管理和权限相关的关键概念。以下是两个典型问题及其答案解析: 1. 问题1:对象所有权 当一个对象通过角色在受信任的上下文中静态创建,并且使用`ROLE AS OBJECT OWNER`子句,执行该包时,谁将成为对象的所有者?答案是A. 角色。这表明在指定的角色权限下,角色本身将拥有对该对象的控制权。 2. 问题2:安全机制与权限管理 公司使用`TRUSTED CONTEXT` ERP1 和 `ROLE` ERP_ROLE 作为安全策略,以限制应用的访问。当用户DBA01被删除时,为了保持DBA任务的执行,可能涉及的操作包括: - B. 计划和包的重建及权限重置:由于DBA01的角色被分配了特定权限,当用户离开公司时,这些计划和包可能需要重新创建并分配新的DBA权限。 - C. 对象不需立即删除:除表空间和数据库外,其他对象如索引、视图等可能不需要立即删除,因为它们的权限可以单独处理。 - D. 仅数据库和表空间:提及的选项中,只有数据库和表空间可能需要重新创建和权限调整,因为它们是基础结构,权限关联更紧密。 这两个问题突显了DB2 9 for z/OS中关于角色管理、权限继承以及在角色权限变化时对数据库对象操作的理解。理解这些概念对于准备000-732认证至关重要,因为它们涉及到实际的数据库设计和日常运维中的最佳实践。 此外,备考过程中可以参考PracticeTest Version 3.0,如ExamKing.com提供的资源,来强化理解和准备类似的实际考试题目。在学习过程中,不仅要掌握理论知识,还要进行模拟练习,确保对各种场景下的操作有深入的理解和实践经验。
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DB2® 9 for z/OS® is an exciting new version, with many improvements in performance and little regression. DB2 V9 improves availability and security, as well as adds greatly to SQL and XML functions. Optimization improvements include more SQL functions to optimize, improved statistics for the optimizer, better optimization techniques, and a new approach to providing information for tuning. V8 SQL procedures were not eligible to run on the IBM® System z9® Integrated Information Processor (zIIP), but changing to use the native SQL procedures on DB2 9 makes the work eligible for zIIP processing. The performance of varying length data can improve substantially if there are large numbers of varying length columns. Several improvements in disk access can reduce the time for sequential disk access and improve data rates. The key DB2 9 for z/OS performance improvements include reduced CPU time in many utilities, deep synergy with IBM System z® hardware and z/OS software, improved performance and scalability for inserts and LOBs, improved SQL optimization, zIIP processing for remote native SQL procedures, index compression, reduced CPU time for data with varying lengths, and better sequential access. Virtual storage use below the 2 GB bar is also improved. This IBM Redbooks® publication provides an overview of the performance impact of DB2 9 for z/OS, especially performance scalability for transactions, CPU, and elapsed time for queries and utilities. We discuss the overall performance and possible impacts when moving from version to version. We include performance measurements that were made in the laboratory and provide some estimates. Keep in mind that your results are likely to vary, as the conditions and work will differ. In this book, we assume that you are somewhat familiar with DB2 V9. See DB2 9 for z/OS Technical Overview, SG24-7330, for an introduction to the new functions. In this book we have used the new official DB2 9 for z/OS abbreviated name for IBM Database 2 Version 9.1 for z/OS as often as possible. However, we have used the old DB2 V9 notation for consistency when directly comparing DB2 V9 to DB2 V8 or previous versions.