Prelims-H8417 6/1/2007 15: 53 page xix
feature the essential elements of MATLAB, have been brought together to form
Part 1. In addition, I have added two new chapters. These are Chapters 3
and 14.
Chapter 3 describes a structured step-by-step method to achieve top-down
design and algorithm development. The steps in the design process are applied
in several examples. The intention is to get students thinking about how they
need to formulate a problem to successfully utilize MATLAB. Chapter 14 on
Dynamical Systems provides straightforward applications of the tools described
and examined in the first 10 chapters. The problems solve are on relatively sim-
ple dynamical systems of engineering and scientific interest. Since this book
is an introductory course on MATLAB, a tool for technical computing, the exam-
ples are mathematical formulations of problems from first courses in science
and engineering. The purpose of the text is to provide instruction on how to
solve the mathematical problems needed to gain insight into science and engi-
neering. Thus, these eleven chapters (skipping over the sections marked with
an asterisk) are sufficient for a first course in MATLAB. (For the computer and
programming-calculator wise students, the chapters on more advanced topics
should help them get into the application of MATLAB to solve the more complex
problems confronted in upper division courses at university and, subsequently,
on the job.)
This book can be used as a course textbook or for student self-study. For the
latter, it is a useful supplemental text for any course in science and engineering.
The instructor, of course, provides the necessary encouragement, enthusiasm
and guidance to help the student begin to learn the power of MATLAB to solve
numerous problems that engineers and scientists formulate in terms of math-
ematics and, hence, help the student begin to master MATLAB. The book is
written as a sequence of exercises, and the reader would benefit from doing
the exercises within the text as well as doing some of the exercises at the end
of the chapters.
To the student: I recommend that you read the text while you are at your com-
puter so that you can do the exercises with MATLAB. It will be useful and fun for
you to go through the exercises with the purpose of discovering how MATLAB
does what it is commanded by you to do. You learn how to use a tool like MAT-
LAB through hands-on experience. This, of course, is a good thing because it is
quite pleasurable to learn by doing and, hence, discover how to use MATLAB to
enhance your learning of engineering and science by tapping the wealth of capa-
bility at your disposal in MATLAB. You will discover immediately that computer
tools produce correct answers only when commands and input data are accu-
rate and correct (no typographical errors are tolerated). ‘Debugging’—finding
the errors in your typed command lines—is a big part of the game that is played