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数字图像处理是对图像进行分析、加工、和处理,使其满足视觉、心理以及其他要求的技术。图像处理是信号处理在图像域上的一个应用。目前大多数的图像是以数字形式存储,因而图像处理很多情况下指数字图像处理。此外,基于光学理论的处理方法依然占有重要的地位。数字图像处理是信号处理的子类,另外与计算机科学、人工智能等领域也有密切的关系。传统的一维信号处理的方法和概念很多仍然可以直接应用在图像处理上,比如降噪、量化等。然而,图像属于二维信号,和一维信号相比,它有自己特殊的一面,处理的方式和角度也有所不同。大多数用于一维信号处理的概念都有其在二维图像信号领域的延伸,它们中的一部分在二维情形下变得十分复杂。同时图像处理也具有自身一些新的概念,例如,连通性、旋转不变性,等等。这些概念仅对二维或更高维的情况下才有非平凡的意义。图像处理中常用到快速傅立叶变换,因为它可以减小数据处理量和处理时间。数字图像处理应用在以下方面:摄影及印刷(Photography and printing)卫星图像处理(Satellite image processing)医学图像处理(Me; In conclusion, digital image processing is a versatile and important technique used to analyze, manipulate, and enhance images to meet various visual, psychological, and other requirements. It is a subset of signal processing, closely related to areas such as computer science and artificial intelligence. While many traditional one-dimensional signal processing methods and concepts can be directly applied to image processing, the unique characteristics of two-dimensional signals necessitate different approaches and perspectives. Additionally, digital image processing introduces new concepts such as connectivity and rotation invariance, which are significant in multidimensional scenarios. The use of fast Fourier transform is also common in image processing to reduce data processing load and time. Digital image processing finds application in various fields such as photography, printing, satellite image processing, and medical image processing. Overall, digital image processing is an essential and constantly evolving technology with a wide range of applications and significance in modern society. It continues to play a crucial role in fields such as scientific research, healthcare, communication, and entertainment, impacting the way we perceive, analyze, and use visual information. As technology advances, digital image processing will continue to grow and adapt to new challenges and opportunities, further contributing to the development and improvement of various industries and sectors.