A Novel Multiple-Stub Ultra-Wide Band
Yanni Cui, Qiong Zhou, Xiupu Zhang, Dongya Shen, Yanghao Zhou
Yunnan Eng. Lab. on Cloud Wireless Access & Heterogeneous Network
Yunnan University
Kunming, China. 650500
shendy@ynu.edu.cn, 1048219132@qq.com
Abstract—This paper proposes a novel multi-stub ultra-wide
band planar monopole antenna. The radiation patch of the
antenna is composed of a pair of back-to-back E-shape-like stub
elements. The E-shape-like stub element is the extension of the E-
shape stub element, adding two semi-circle elements at the back
of the E-shape stub element and extending the top of the E-shape
stub element with an inverted L-shape element with a
“suspending hammer” element. Two semi-circle slots etched on
the rectangular ground which is extended make the ground with
two step-like structures to realize ultra-wideband. The antenna is
printed on a substrate of the dielectric constant 4.6. The
experiment results show that the bandwidth of the antenna is
3.2GHz-18.7GHz for S11 of less than -10dB.
Keywords—antenna; multi-stub; ultra
wide band; monopole
I. I
Since the Federal Communication Commission allocated
the frequency band 3.1GHz–10.6GHz for commercial ultra-
wide band (UWB) systems, considerable research efforts have
been put into UWB radio technology in industry and academia.
As a key component of UWB system, the development of
UWB antennas with broadband impedance matching, stable
radiation patterns, compact size, and low manufacturing costs
has attracted much attention in recent years. Numerous
compact UWB antennas covering 3.1GHz-10.6GHz have been
proposed. The researches have focused on miniaturizing the
size of UWB antennas. Different shapes of the UWB antennas
have been proposed, such as rectangular, circular, hexagonal,
octagonal, oval etc. [1-5]. An antenna of a circular patch
combining three rectangular elements was presented in [6],
which has a small profile and a good omnidirectional pattern
performance, but the bandwidth of the antenna is not wide
Compared with the structure of traditional antenna like
circular disc monopole, the fractal structure is a simpler and
more efficient way to expand the bandwidth and reduce the
dimension of antennas, and it is also an effective method to
achieve the UWB, including Sierpinski fractal antennas,
Minkowski fractal antennas, Gasket fractal antennas, and Koch
fractal antennas etc. [7-12].
To extend the bandwidth of antennas, some matching
methods were proposed. Reference [13] used ground slots to
achieve matching. In [14], the antenna changed the width of the
microstrip line to achieve matching. In [15] some matching
elements are added near the microstrip feed line of the antenna
to achieve the UWB performance. Some antennas get well
matching by using the extending ground [16-19], digging tanks
(circular, rectangular and so on) in ground [20-21]. The above
matching methods are complex.
Generally, the stub antennas are considered as narrow band
antennas for their difficult matching of the wide band. In this
paper, a novel multi-stub ultra-wideband planar monopole
antenna is proposed. The radiation patch of the antenna is
improved based on a pair of back-to-back symmetric E-shape
stub element. An inverted L-shape element is added to the top
of the antenna. This paper etches two semi-circle slots on the
ground of the antenna and extends the ground with a step-like
structure at both ends of the ground. Microstrip feeder of the
antenna uses an oval structure.
A. the Antenna’s Geometry
This paper proposes a novel multi-stub ultra-wideband
planar monopole antenna, the dimension of which is shown in
Fig.1. The radiation patch of the antenna consists of two back-
to-back E-shape-like stub elements. Each E-shape-like stub
element evolves from an E-shape stub element, by adding a
semi-circle element at the E-shape stub element’s back near the
feeding part and extending the top part of the E-shape stub
element with a loading, named “suspending hammer” which
consists an inverted L-shape element.
The ground of the antenna is at the bottom of the other side
of the substrate. The ground is a V-shape ground which is
formed by etching two semi-circle slots symmetric to the
center line on the rectangular ground and adding the step-like
structures on the rectangular ground. The V-shape ground
makes the antenna match well.
An oval-shape microstrip line is connected to the end of the
rectangular feedline to extend the bandwidth of the antenna.
2017 International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas, Innovative Structures, and Applications (iWAT)
978-1-5090-5177-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE