Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79 :807 Page 3 of 12 807
Fig. 1 The KATRIN beamline. From left to right: the rear section
(RS), the windowless gaseous tritium source (WGTS), the differen-
tial pumping section (DPS), the cryogenic pumping section (CPS), the
pre-spectrometer (PS), the main spectrometer (MS) with surrounding
air-coils, and the focal-plane detector (FPD) system
polarity of the air-coil currents, it is possible to create non-
standard magnetic field settings inside the vessel (see Sect. 4).
The magnetic field inside the MS acts as a passive shield
against charged particles emitted from the vessel surface; the
particles are deflected by the Lorentz force back toward the
walls of the vessel, or they follow magnetic field lines that
do not reach the detector. Additional shielding is provided by
a wire electrode system installed at the inner surface of the
MS [19]. The inner electrodes (IE) can be placed at an offset
potential ΔU
relative to the vessel (i.e. U
= U
+ ΔU
is set to a negative value, most low-energy electrons
emitted from the vessel walls will be repelled by the wires
back toward the surface.
2.2 Focal-plane detector
The FPD [20] is a monolithic, segmented silicon PIN diode
that detects particles emerging from the MS. These parti-
cles pass through an ultra-high vacuum system mated to the
exit of the MS. Charged particles can be further accelerated
using a post-acceleration electrode (PAE), with voltage U
immediately preceding the detector wafer; this acceleration
helps distinguish signal electrons from background origi-
nating within the FPD system. A superconducting solenoid
focuses charged particles onto the wafer, which has a sen-
sitive area with a diameter of 90 mm [20]. The dartboard-
segmentation pattern of the wafer into 148 equal-area pixels
provides sensitivity to the transverse spatial distribution of
the particles. The wafer is divided into 12 concentric rings,
each with 12 pixels, and a central bullseye with four pixels.
The PIN diode is biased with a voltage U
; signals pass
through preamplifiers (located in vacuum) before readout.
Energy and timing for each event are analyzed online in
the data-acquisition system using a cascaded pair of trape-
zoidal filters. Energy calibration is provided by gammas
from an
Am calibration source. The electron response is
characterized using a photo-electron source with adjustable
energy [20]. Each source can be inserted into the line of
sight of the FPD for a periodic, dedicated calibration run. An
energy resolution of 1.52 keV (full width at half-maximum,
FWHM) and timing resolution of 246 ns (FWHM) have been
achieved with the system using 18.6 keV electrons and a
6.4 µs shaping time [20].
3 Environmental gamma radiation in the spectrometer
During standard KATRIN operation, β-particles that are
detected by the FPD must overcome the retarding poten-
tial applied to the MS. This potential reaches its largest value
near the middle of the vessel, approximately equidistant from
both ends of the MS. Because the value of the retarding poten-
tial will be scanned close to the endpoint energy, β-particles
traveling through the middle region of the MS will have low
kinetic energies, below about 30 eV [1]. Because of the rel-
atively poor energy resolution of the FPD compared to the
MS, any low-energy secondary electrons produced in this
region cannot be energetically distinguished from the signal
When passing through the MS steel, environmental
gamma radiation (i.e., primary radiation) can cause the
emission of secondary particles, including secondary elec-
trons. Of particular concern is the generation of “true-
secondary” electrons, which are defined to have energies
below 50 eV [21]. The inner surface of the MS provides a
large area for electron emission: 690 m
for the steel hull and
532 m
for the wire electrode system (although the effective
surface area for emission from the latter is reduced due to
the two-layer structure of the IE) [15]. Due to imperfections
in the magnetic and electrostatic shielding, secondary elec-
trons emitted from these surfaces may have a small probabil-
ity to enter the sensitive magnetic flux tube that connects to
the FPD. The validity of this background-generating mecha-
nism has been confirmed with other MAC-E-filter spectrome-
ters [9,10]. Because of the increased size of the spectrometer,
there is the potential for a significant background contribu-
tion from gamma-induced surface electrons in the MS.
3.1 Radioactivity in the spectrometer hall
The MS was constructed using low-radioactivity materials
in order to limit background production from environmental