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本文主要探讨了深度学习模型的安全性问题,特别是针对网络攻击的策略,以PyTorch框架为例。文章的核心概念是对抗示例生成中的Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)。FGSM是一种白盒攻击技术,攻击者具备模型的内部结构、输入和权重信息,目标是通过向输入数据添加最少的扰动,使其被模型错误分类。 FGSM的基本思想是利用神经网络的梯度信息进行攻击。攻击者通过计算原始输入图像x在模型参数ζ下,相对于真实标签y的损失函数J(ζ, x, y)的梯度∇xJ(ζ, x, y),然后将输入数据沿着这个梯度的符号方向(正值或负值)微小调整,以最大化损失。这种调整过程确保了攻击的最小化扰动,但足以导致模型的误判。 在代码实现中,作者采用了一个简单的策略,即基于梯度的大小来判断像素点的重要程度,认为那些能引发大梯度变化的像素在模型眼中更关键。通过这种方法,攻击者能够针对性地对这些重要的像素施加噪声,从而提高攻击的有效性。这种思路在深度学习模型防御策略中具有重要意义,因为它提示了如何通过理解模型的决策过程来设计更具针对性的对抗样本。 本文不仅介绍了FGSM攻击的基本原理,还提供了一种利用梯度指导的噪声添加方法,使得读者能够理解和实践如何在实际应用中生成对抗性样本,增强对深度学习模型鲁棒性的理解。同时,它也强调了在深度学习模型开发过程中,除了性能优化,安全性评估同样不可或缺。
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Chronology. In the year 2000 I was given two courses to teach: analysis and topology. The Analysis course was assigned to me due to an emergency redistribution; Topology was thrown in as an award for accepting to teach Analysis on such short notice. Algebraic topology, which covered only homotopy theory in its curriculum, was (re)introduced into the undergraduate-graduate program of the Mathematics Department (University of Manitoba) in 2004. I have taught these two courses almost continuously ever since. This book is primarily an upshot of my teaching lifestyle over these years. The level of the book, and the target audience. The book has two clearly differentiated parts: Part 1 is topology and Part 2 is homotopy. As indicated by the title of the book, we do not have any pretense to go very deeply into these subjects. On the other hand, neither could the content be described as too breezy, for we include most of the important theorems of the basic theory. The material covered in this book is on the fuzzy boundary between the undergraduate and the graduate level. One may tentatively state that Part 1 is mostly at the advanced undergraduate level, Part 2 is mostly at the early graduate level. Indeed, the Algebraic topology (Homotopy theory) course that I have been teaching has always been cross-listed, and has almost always been taken by both graduate and advanced undergraduate students. It is my hope that this book will bring this beautiful theory closer to the undergraduate curriculum.