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&T 公司开发出了第一个多用户、多任务的操作系统 MULTICS ;
1969 年,贝尔实验室的 Ken Thompson 开始着手开发一个更简单、更灵活的系统;
1973 年,UNIX 逐渐被移植到 MINI-COMPUTER PDP-11 上;
1977 年,UNIX 的第一版 MAN 第一次出现,UNIX 开始迅速流行;
1983 年,IEEE 开始制定 UNIX 的标准化,华为时代开始;
1990 年,POSIX 标准考虑兼容其它操作系统的常见功能。UNIX
公含解UNIX 解(十三世纪上叶)"
The lecture "Linux环境高级编程(第一讲)" gives a comprehensive overview of the foundations of the operation system. It covers topics such as UNIX standardization and implementations, the principle of operating system, UNIX structure, and basal concepts like file and process. The evolution of UNIX from its development at AT&T in 1965 to its standardization by IEEE in 1983 is also discussed. The lecture provides a historical perspective on the development of UNIX and its impact on modern operating systems. It highlights the importance of understanding the foundations of the operation system for advanced programming in the Linux environment.
2010-05-24 上传
2018-05-21 上传
2008-10-27 上传
2012-08-31 上传
2009-04-17 上传
2008-10-27 上传
2010-11-16 上传
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