"基于FPGA的数字电压表设计:Verilog HDL应用与A/D采集技术"。
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In recent years, the design of digital systems has become increasingly fast, compact, small, and lightweight. Electronic design automation (EDA) has rapidly developed, utilizing a combination of software, hardware, and micro-electronics technology to streamline the electronic design process. Verilog HDL, a language used in EDA, is a powerful tool for quickly designing circuits. It covers various functions such as circuit description, synthesis, and simulation. This paper explores the design of a digital voltmeter using FPGA technology, highlighting the use of Verilog HDL for A/D conversion and voltage display. The design aims to create a compact and efficient digital voltmeter that can accurately measure and display voltage levels. The project showcases the versatility and effectiveness of FPGA technology in digital system design.
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