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In this paper, a design scheme for an electronic calendar based on the AT89C51 microcontroller is proposed. The design uses the AT89C51 microcontroller as the main control core, along with modules such as the DS1302 clock chip, DS18B20 temperature sensor, keypad, and LCD display. The hardware system includes 5 independent keys and an LCD display, allowing for the display of rich information. Users can easily calibrate the time, select different time modes, and access various functions as needed. This electronic calendar has the advantages of convenience in reading, intuitive display, versatile functions, simple circuitry, and low cost. It is in line with the development trend of electronic instruments and has broad market prospects.
The electronic calendar design based on the AT89C51 microcontroller provides a user-friendly interface for time management and temperature monitoring. The integration of multiple modules allows for efficient operation and customization of various functions. The inclusion of a keypad and LCD display enhances the user experience by providing easy access to different settings and information.
Overall, the AT89C51 electronic calendar design is a cost-effective solution with advanced features and a practical design. The use of a single-chip microcontroller as the core control unit ensures efficient performance and reliable operation. With its versatile functions and user-friendly interface, this electronic calendar has the potential for widespread adoption in various applications.
268 浏览量
2021-09-24 上传
116 浏览量
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106 浏览量
2021-09-18 上传

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