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"深入理解Python语言:流畅的Python" 《流畅的Python》是Luciano Ramalho所著的一本深入探讨Python编程的书籍,其主要目标是帮助中级到高级的Python程序员提升他们的技能,掌握Python的核心特性和库,从而写出更高效、更简洁且更易读的代码。这本书在Python社区中享有很高的评价,被Alex Martelli等知名Python专家推荐。 书中涵盖了一系列关键主题,旨在帮助读者充分利用Python的强大功能。以下是一些主要知识点的概述: 1. **元编程(Metaprogramming)**:Python允许在运行时修改和创建类,元类(metaclass)的概念让开发者能够自定义类的行为。书中会讲解如何使用元类来实现更高级的设计模式。 2. **生成器(Generator)与迭代器(Iterator)**:Python的生成器可以有效地处理大数据集,通过yield关键字实现。书中会详细介绍生成器的工作原理以及如何使用它们进行内存优化。 3. **上下文管理器(Context Manager)**:利用with语句,可以更好地管理资源,如文件操作和数据库连接。书中有详尽的解释,指导如何编写自定义的上下文管理器。 4. **函数式编程(Functional Programming)**:Python支持许多函数式编程特性,如高阶函数、列表推导式、映射(map)、过滤(filter)和reduce函数。书中会介绍如何利用这些工具提高代码的简洁性和可读性。 5. **面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming, OOP)**:Python中的类和继承机制,以及如何利用装饰器(Decorator)来扩展和修改类的功能。书中会探讨设计模式和最佳实践。 6. **内置数据结构**:深入理解Python的列表、元组、字典和集合等数据结构,包括它们的性能特点和使用场景。 7. **异步编程(Asynchronous Programming)**:Python 3.5引入了asyncio库,用于编写高效的并发代码。书中将阐述协程(coroutine)和异步I/O的概念。 8. **模块和包**:如何组织和导入Python代码,包括命名空间、导入机制以及模块的高级用法。 9. **错误处理与调试**:Python的异常处理机制,以及如何编写良好的错误消息和调试技巧。 10. **类型注解(Type Annotations)**:Python 3.5引入的类型注解可以提供代码的静态类型检查,有助于提升代码的可读性和可维护性。 通过学习《流畅的Python》,读者不仅可以深化对Python语言的理解,还能掌握编写高质量Python代码的最佳实践。无论你是想提升个人技能,还是希望在团队中推广更好的编程习惯,这本书都是不可多得的参考资料。
2015-08-03 上传
Python’s simplicity lets you become productive quickly, but this often means you aren’t using everything it has to offer. With this hands-on guide, you’ll learn how to write effective, idiomatic Python code by leveraging its best—and possibly most neglected—features. Author Luciano Ramalho takes you through Python’s core language features and libraries, and shows you how to make your code shorter, faster, and more readable at the same time. Many experienced programmers try to bend Python to fit patterns they learned from other languages, and never discover Python features outside of their experience. With this book, those Python programmers will thoroughly learn how to become proficient in Python 3. This book covers: Python data model: understand how special methods are the key to the consistent behavior of objects Data structures: take full advantage of built-in types, and understand the text vs bytes duality in the Unicode age Functions as objects: view Python functions as first-class objects, and understand how this affects popular design patterns Object-oriented idioms: build classes by learning about references, mutability, interfaces, operator overloading, and multiple inheritance Control flow: leverage context managers, generators, coroutines, and concurrency with the concurrent.futures and asyncio packages Metaprogramming: understand how properties, attribute descriptors, class decorators, and metaclasses work Table of Contents Part I. Prologue Chapter 1. The Python Data Model Part II. Data structures Chapter 2. An array of sequences Chapter 3. Dictionaries and sets Chapter 4. Text versus bytes Part III. Functions as objects Chapter 5. First-class functions Chapter 6. Design patterns with first-class functions Chapter 7. Function decorators and closures Part IV. Object Oriented Idioms Chapter 8. Object references, mutability and recycling Chapter 9. A Pythonic object Chapter 10. Sequence hacking, hashing and slicing Chapter 11. Interfaces: from protocols to ABCs Chapter 12. Inheritance: for good or for worse Chapter 13. Operator overloading: doing it right Part V. Control flow Chapter 14. Iterables, iterators and generators Chapter 15. Context managers and else blocks Chapter 16. Coroutines Chapter 17. Concurrency with futures Chapter 18. Concurrency with asyncio Part VI. Metaprogramming Chapter 19. Dynamic attributes and properties Chapter 20. Attribute descriptors Chapter 21. Class metaprogramming Appendix A. Support scripts