专业VSTO2005:Visual Studio 2005 Office工具集详解

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《Professional VSTO 2005: Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office》是由Alvin Bruney编著的一本技术书籍,专为Microsoft Office用户和开发者设计。本书是针对Microsoft Visual Studio 2005版本的VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) 的深入指南,VSTO是一种强大的工具集,允许开发人员在Microsoft Office应用程序(如Word、Excel、PowerPoint等)中嵌入自定义功能和扩展。 该书的核心内容涵盖了如何利用Visual Studio 2005的平台,开发和部署针对Office的应用程序插件,包括但不限于创建自定义用户界面控件、数据绑定、事件处理、以及与Office对象模型的交互。作者Alvin Bruney以其专业经验,详细介绍了VSTO的各种特性,例如使用Add-in Express库简化开发过程,以及如何进行单元测试和调试,确保插件的稳定性和性能。 书中不仅提供了理论知识,还包含了许多实用的案例研究和示例代码,帮助读者理解如何将业务逻辑和Office应用程序无缝集成,从而增强办公生产力。此外,作者还强调了安全性和兼容性问题,这对于在企业环境中部署VSTO解决方案至关重要。 《Professional VSTO 2005: Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office》适合有基础的软件开发者和Office应用管理员,想要通过VSTO技术扩展或定制Office功能的专业人士阅读。随着技术的发展,VSTO后来经历了更新,但本书对于了解早期版本的基本原理和技术架构仍然具有参考价值。 本书还附带了版权信息,包括出版商Wiley Publishing, Inc.的联系信息,以及图书的ISBN号和版权年份,强调了知识产权的重要性。最后,关于版权和复制的规定,确保了内容的合法使用和传播。 《Professional VSTO 2005: Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office》是一本全面且实用的资源,帮助读者掌握在Microsoft Office环境中通过VSTO开发定制工具的技巧,是Microsoft Office开发者和扩展爱好者不可或缺的学习材料。
2013-01-04 上传
Professional VSTO 2005: Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office 英文原版非影印版 Professional Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office satisfies the need to write enterprise software based on Office by delivering practical solutions for those seeking to port existing functionality to VSTO. The book focuses on code and implementation, not theory, with code examples presented in both VB and C#. The book is especially written for enterprise developers - VBA or COM Interop savvy - who need to leverage the power and productivity of VSTO today. .NET developers seeking to explore VSTO as a potential solution will also find ample material that suits their needs. This book covers VSTO 2005 in detail. The approach focuses on the major components that form the suite with the exception that InfoPath is not covered. All other components benefit from an exploration of the key objects that are most likely to be used in common programming scenarios. This book is organized into chapters that present the building blocks of VSTO first. Microsoft Excel and its Range objects form the cornerstone of range manipulation across the VSTO suite. For that reason, the first few chapters explain these basic concepts. Subsequent chapters use these building blocks as a starting point so it is important to be familiar with these concepts before skipping to the back of the book. Once you gain a complete understanding of the Excel Range object in Chapters 2 and 3, you can apply that knowledge to the remaining chapters. In fact, Microsoft Word, Charts and Pivot Table manipulation are all based on the Excel Range object. (VSTO contains a potent charting engine second to none. And this book explores every facet of charting.) The obvious benefit of this clever architecture is that it significantly reduces the learning curve for those who wish to adopt this relatively new technology. And this book is designed to show you how to exploit this architecture.