
0 下载量 165 浏览量 更新于2024-03-08 收藏 290KB PDF 举报
ATC (automatic temperature control) is a system used for the automation of stepper motor operation. The program "使用ATC做步进电机运行自动化控制器程序.pdf" provides information and instructions on how to use ATC to control the operation of stepper motors. The main control CPU assembly program provided in the document includes various instructions for initializing the program and controlling the operation of the stepper motor. The program utilizes memory addresses from 6FH to 79H for displaying data and 7AH to 7CH for storing keyboard codes in the buffer. The "START" section of the program contains instructions for initializing various flags and clearing the priority and direction flags for the step count and distance. This section also contains instructions for moving data to the P1 register, which controls the operation of the stepper motor. The program is designed to control the direction and speed of the stepper motor based on various input signals and commands. It utilizes the ATC system to automate the process of controlling the stepper motor, allowing for precise and efficient operation. Overall, the program provides a comprehensive and detailed guide for using ATC to control the operation of stepper motors, making it an essential resource for anyone looking to automate the control of stepper motors using the ATC system.