The spin orbital dynamics properties of vacancy diamond
films using enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy
MinistryofEducationKeyLabNonequilibrium,XiAnJiaoTong Univ,DeptOpt,Xian710049,710054,Shaanxi,PeoplesRChina.
We investigated the Raman scattering spectrums of difference residual stress and thickness of diamond/Si films. The
spin-orbital dynamics is caused by disordered lattice coupling and electron-phonons in diamond/Si. The diamond films
were prepared on a Si substrate by MPCVD with methyl-hydrogen gas mixture. The Raman scattering spectrum of
diamond/Si(100) hetero-junction was found as a function of crystal size, orientation, and film thickness. A sharp peak at
1360cm(-1) is of D graphite sp(2), while the broad peak 1550 cm(-1) of a broad band mode G, which corresponds to
disordered sp(2) hybridization. The transfer of diamond sp(2) content extracted from C=C peak and converted to the
sp(3) spin related effect. The diamond/Si(100) densitystate shows spin-related couple of sp(3), p and d orbital
Keywords: Diamond films, Nitrogen vacancy, Spin-orbit dynamics, Raman shift
PACS: 63.20.K, 73.40.-c, 73.63.Rt,52.25.Vy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed mail:ren@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
1. Introduction
One foundational issue in the physics of controlled
fabrication of diamond semiconductor nanostructure is the role
of high performance photonic and optoelectronic. doped
diamond/Si heterojunction are the most promising materials of
the spin-related couple as well as self-ordering topographic
patterns that span multiple length scales in studying the
complex phase dynamics.
Raman scattering is known to be a
powerful technique to research the dynamics caused by
electron-phonons. The doped diamond/Si heterojunction
displays charge carriers at the hydrogen-terminated surface of
diamond and competition coupling of spins, charge, and lattice
order. The heterojunction diamond/Si that induced a metallic
state with a high mobility in diamond and spin-related
anomalous electrons transport behavior can be obtained in
Awschalom demonstrates fully
three-dimensional and patterned localization of
nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond with coherence
times and characterizes the effects of electron energy and dose
on NV formation.
Although Raman spectra of other diamond
have been reported, there are no information on the lattice
diamond in heterojunction films as well as to analyze more
specific aspects of phonon-electron interaction and isotopic
effects. The low dimensional nano heterojunction of
diamond/Si changes the orbital and spin dynamics.
H-diamond is a most popular semiconductor material with a
wide band gap (5.45 ev), electric breakdown field
10000(KV/cm), electric mobility 4500(cm
/V.s), hole mobility
/V.s) and thermal conductivity 22 (W/K.cm), which
charge and orbital ordered phase caused by electron-phonons
Si (N type) is a most popular semiconductor material with a
wide band gap (3.37 ev) and large exciton binding energy (60
mev) which potentially possesses the characteristics of high
efficiency, lower power, light emitting and laser diodes. The
heterojunction diamond/Si nanostructure is good candidate for
fabrication of nanometer-sized optoelectronic devices. It is
expected that structural changes and spin-related coupling will
influence the electron-phonon spectra. The doped diamond/Si
heterojunction junctions with carrier transfer exhibit photonic
and optoelectronic effect.
In this letters, we reported Raman scattering studies of
diamond/Si heterojunction with different nano-thickness
structure to investigate spin- dynamics. We prepared crystal
diamond/Si(100) to introduce charge transport and carrier
injection. A temperature dependence of positive
magnetoresistance was observed in this junction that has some
special properties of diamond semiconductor,
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[11, 12]
tunnel junctions,