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"D3.js in Action (2ed)" 是一本关于数据可视化与JavaScript的书籍,由Elijah Meeks撰写。这本书主要关注D3.js库的深度学习和实践应用,旨在帮助读者从初学者到专家的进阶。第二版针对D3从V3到V4的重要更新进行了详细解释。 D3.js(Data-Driven Documents)是一个强大的JavaScript库,用于创建交互式和可定制的数据可视化。作者Elijah Meeks在书中深入探讨了D3的各个方面,包括布局、生成器和其他关键概念,让读者能够全面理解这个库的结构和潜力。第一版受到了读者的高度评价,被认为是快速掌握D3并创建惊人可视化的理想入门指南。 书中的内容可能涵盖了以下几个核心知识点: 1. **数据绑定(Data Binding)**:D3的核心功能之一是将数据与DOM元素绑定,使得数据的变化可以驱动视觉元素的动态更新。 2. **选择集(Selections)**:D3的选择集机制允许开发者高效地操作DOM元素,进行添加、修改或删除操作。 3. **转换和过渡(Transitions)**:D3提供了平滑的动画效果,通过过渡和变换功能可以实现视觉上的流畅过渡。 4. **布局(Layouts)**:D3包含多种预定义的布局,如树形图、力导向图、柱状图等,简化了复杂图表的创建过程。 5. **生成器(Generators)**:生成器函数用于创建常见的几何形状,如圆形、线段等,它们可以根据数据自动生成图形。 6. **SVG和HTML5 Canvas**:D3通常与SVG(可缩放矢量图形)和HTML5 Canvas一起使用,创建出高性能且响应式的可视化。 7. **交互性(Interactivity)**:D3支持事件监听和处理,使用户可以通过点击、拖动等交互方式与可视化图表互动。 8. **版本更新**:从V3到V4的变化,可能涉及到API的调整、性能优化和新功能的引入,书中有专门章节解释这些变化。 9. **最佳实践和案例研究**:书中可能包含实际项目中的例子,展示如何有效利用D3解决具体数据可视化问题。 10. **数据处理和清洗**:D3不仅限于可视化,还提供了一些数据处理工具,如数据过滤、排序和计算等。 通过阅读"D3.js in Action (2ed)",读者不仅可以掌握D3.js库的高级用法,还能提升整体的数据可视化技能。无论是对数据科学、Web开发还是信息设计感兴趣的读者,这本书都是一个宝贵的资源,能够帮助他们创建出专业且引人入胜的数据故事。
2018-04-04 上传
I’ve always loved making games. Board games, role-playing games, computer games— I just love abstracting things into rules, numbers, and categories. As a natural conse- quence, I’ve always loved data visualization. Damage represented as a bar, spells repre- sented with icons, territory broken down into hexes, treasure charted out in a variety of ways. But it wasn’t until I started working with maps in grad school that I became aware of the immeasurable time and energy people have invested in understanding how to best represent data. I started learning D3 after having worked with databases, map data, and network data in a number of different desktop packages, and also coding in Flash. So I was nat- urally excited when I was introduced to D3 , a JavaScript library that deals not only with information visualization generally, but also with the very specific domains of geospa- tial data and network data. The fact that it lives in the DOM and follows web standards was a bonus, especially because I’d been working with Flash, which wasn’t known for that kind of thing. Since then, I’ve used D3 for everything, including the creation of UI elements that you’d normally associate with jQuery. When I was approached by Manning to write this book, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to look deeply at D3 and make sure I knew how every little piece of the library worked, while writing a book that didn’t just introduce D3 but really dived into the different pieces of the library that I found so exciting, like mapping and networks, and tied them together. As a result, the book ended up being much longer than I expected and covers everything from the basics of generating lines and areas to using most of the layouts that come to mind when you think of data visualization. It also devotes some space to maps, networks, mobile, and optimization. In the end, I tried to give readers a broad approach to data visualization tools, whether that means maps or networks or pie charts.