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Sorting is a fundamental concept in the field of data structures. It involves arranging a sequence of records with key values into a specific order, such that the keys follow a particular property. The process of sorting requires comparison of the keys and can be measured in terms of the number of comparisons made. The key concept in sorting is to arrange the records in such a way that the keys obey the property ks1 ≤ ks2 ≤ …≤ ksn. Each record contains a field called the key, which is used for comparison during the sorting process. The comparison of keys is essential for determining the order in which the records are arranged. There are various methods and algorithms for sorting, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some popular sorting algorithms include bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quicksort. Each of these algorithms has different efficiencies in terms of time complexity, space complexity, and stability. The cost of sorting is measured in terms of the number of comparisons made during the process. The efficiency of a sorting algorithm is often evaluated based on the number of comparisons it requires to sort a given sequence of records. The fewer the comparisons, the more efficient the algorithm is considered to be. In conclusion, sorting is an important concept in data structures and is essential for organizing and managing large amounts of data. The process involves arranging records in a specific order based on their key values, and the efficiency of sorting algorithms can be measured in terms of the number of comparisons required. Understanding the different sorting algorithms and their efficiencies is crucial for effectively managing and manipulating data in various applications.

import requests import os from bs4 import BeautifulSoup class book_spider(): def __init__(self,root_url): self.root_url=root_url self.book_list=[] #一级页面中获取的数据(二级页面地址)存放于此列表 self.chapter_list=[] #二级页面中获取的数据(三级页面地址和章节名)存放于此列表 def get_url(url): while True: try: res=requests.get(url) if res.status_code==200: res.encoding =res.apparent_encoding print("页面获取成功") return res.text else: print("页面返回异常",res.status_code) except: print("页面获取错误") def get_book_list(self.url): res = self.get_url(url) html = BeautifulSoup(res,"html.parser") a_list = html.find_all("a",{"class":"name"}) for a in a_list: self.book_list.append(a["href"]) self.book_list = [self.root_url+i for i in self.bbok_list] self.book_list.remove('庆余年') print(book_list) def get_chapter_list(self,url): res = self.get_url(url) html = BeautifulSoup(res,"html.parser") a_list = html.find_all("a",{"class":"chapter"}) for a in a_list: self.chapter_list.append((a["href"],a.text.replace("\n",""))) def get_content(self.chapter): url = self.root_url + chapter[0] print(url) book_name = chapter[0].split("/")[1] print(book_name) if not os.path.exists(book_name): os.mkdir(book_name) res = self.get_url(url) html = BeautifulSoup(res,"html.parser") content = html.find("div",{"id":"content"}).text print(content) path = os.path.join(book_name,chapter[1]) with open(path,"w",encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(content) def main(): self.get_book_list(self.root_url) for book in self.book_list: self.get_chapter_liat(book) for chapter in chapter_list: self.get_content(chapter) book_s = book_spider("") book_s.main()这是一段爬虫代码,找出里面的错误并改正

2023-06-02 上传

帮我把一下代码设置一个合理请求头,并加入一个延时import requests import os from bs4 import BeautifulSoup class NovelDownloader: def __init__(self, root_url): self.root_url = root_url self.book_list = [] self.chapter_list = [] def get_url(self, url): while True: try: res = requests.get(url) if res.status_code == 200: print("页面获取成功!") return res.text else: print("页面返回异常!", res.status_code) except: print("页面获取错误!") def get_book_list(self): res = self.get_url(self.root_url) html = BeautifulSoup(res, "html.parser") a_list = html.find_all("a", {"class": "name"}) for a in a_list: self.book_list.append(a["href"]) self.book_list = [self.root_url + i for i in self.book_list] self.book_list.remove('http://www.biquge5200.cc/') def get_chapter_list(self, url): res = self.get_url(url) html = BeautifulSoup(res, "html.parser") a_list = html.find_all("a", {"class": "chapter"}) for a in a_list: self.chapter_list.append((a["href"], a.text.replace("\n", ""))) def get_content(self, chapter): url = self.root_url + chapter[0] print(url) book_name = chapter[0].split("/")[1] print(book_name) if not os.path.exists(book_name): os.mkdir(book_name) res = self.get_url(url) html = BeautifulSoup(res, "html.parser") content = html.find("div", {"id": "content"}).text print(content) path = os.path.join(book_name, chapter[1]) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(content) def main(self): self.get_book_list() for book in self.book_list: self.get_chapter_list(book) for chapter in self.chapter_list: self.get_content(chapter) if __name__ == '__main__': root_url = "http://www.biquge5200.cc/" nd = NovelDownloader(root_url) nd.main()

2023-06-02 上传