© Copyright 2010 General Motors All Rights Reserved
= This service shall be supported by all ECUs which log DTCs.
= Boot Memory is only required to support the Data Identifiers (DIDs) which are necessary to program the
ECU when the ECU only contains boot software.
= Mandatory for all programmable nodes which are Emission, Safety, or Theft related, or otherwise
required by law.
= This service is required in boot if it is necessary to write information (e.g., option content) into an ECU
before the software reset at the end of the programming event.
= This service shall be mandatory for all ECUs which log DTCs. For applicable ECUs, support of
sub-function parameter $81 (readStatusOfDTCByStatusMask) shall be mandatory, and the functionality
provided by the other sub-functions shall be agreed upon by the DRE, service and manufacturing
= The wakeUpLinks (sub-function parameter = $04) may be required for gateway devices that are
connected to a subnet that supports a wake-up feature that is not available to the tester (e.g., wake-up
wire not brought out to the Diagnostic Link Connector (DLC)). If the gateway device is SPS
programmable and required to support the wakeUpLinks sub-function parameter, then it shall also
support the wakeUpLinks sub-function in boot software. Which sub-functions of this service that an ECU
is required to support must be agreed upon by the DRE, service and manufacturing representatives.
= Certain sub-function parameters may be supported on non-programmable ECUs to support
manufacturing needs of the ECU supplier or the vehicle assembly plant.
4.3 Diagnostic Communication Implementation Rules. In applying the rules which follow, a diagnostic
request is considered in process, until the node has fulfilled one of the following (depending on the specific
service requested):
The ECU sent the last consecutive frame of an USDT multi-frame positive response.
The ECU sent an USDT negative response message indicating there is no positive response forthcoming
(response code other than $78).
The ECU sent an USDT single frame positive response message.
The first (or only) UUDT response is received (for services $AA and $A9).
Note: Application timing requirements for UUDT diagnostic responses provided via services $A9 and $AA are
specified in each respective service within this specification. Reference the descriptions of these services for
additional detail.
4.3.1 Tester Rules.
1. A tester is not allowed to send a physically addressed request any time a previous physically addressed
request is in process.
2. A tester is not allowed to send a physical request any time a functional request has been received that will
result in a response, and the response to the functional request is in process.
3. A tester is not allowed to send a functional request that results in a response if a previous physically
addressed request is in process.