精通Spring Cloud:构建微服务架构

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"MasteringSpringCloud" 本书《MasteringSpringCloud》深入探讨了使用SpringCloud构建自我修复、基于微服务的分布式系统的方法。作者PiotrMińkowski详细介绍了如何利用SpringCloud来实现微服务架构的关键组件和服务。 在“介绍微服务”章节中,书中讨论了微服务的优点,如模块化、可扩展性和独立部署。它强调了Spring框架在构建微服务中的作用,以及云原生开发的重要性。书中提到了服务发现、服务间通信、故障切换和熔断器模式等概念。 “Spring用于微服务”章节介绍了SpringBoot,这是一个简化Spring应用程序开发的工具。读者将学习如何使用SpringBoot进行快速开发,自定义配置文件,创建RESTful Web服务,并利用Swagger2进行API文档化和测试。此外,还涵盖了SpringBootActuator,用于监控和管理应用健康状况、指标和开发者工具。 “SpringCloud概览”章节涵盖了SpringCloud的基础,包括NetflixOSS组件,如Eureka(服务发现)、Zuul(边缘服务)、Ribbon(负载均衡)和Hystrix(容错管理)。还介绍了其他项目,如Archaius(配置管理),Consul和ApacheZookeeper作为替代服务发现解决方案,以及分布式追踪、消息传递和集成、云平台支持和其他实用库。 “服务发现”部分详细阐述了如何运行Eureka服务器,客户端集成,实例注销,以及如何通过编程方式使用发现客户端。此外,还讨论了高级配置设置,安全通信,以及Eureka的API,包括复制和高可用性。 “分布式配置与SpringCloudConfig”章节深入介绍了如何使用HTTPAPI资源,本地配置支持,构建服务器和客户端应用,以及集成Eureka服务器。还涵盖了不同的后端类型,如文件系统、Git,以及如何处理多仓库和使用Vault进行安全配置。 “微服务间通信”章节讨论了不同风格的通信,重点是使用SpringCloud进行同步通信,包括Ribbon的负载均衡,Feign客户端的使用,以及支持不同区域和客户端自定义。 “高级负载均衡和熔断器”章节介绍了负载均衡规则,如WeightedResponseTime,以及如何使用Hoverfly进行测试。同时,通过Hystrix实现了熔断器模式,展示了如何构建Hystrix应用,实现命令和缓存数据的回退策略。 这本书是为希望深入理解并熟练掌握SpringCloud以构建可靠、可扩展的微服务架构的开发者而准备的。通过这些章节,读者将能够全面了解和实施微服务架构的关键技术和实践。
2018-05-25 上传
An active internet connection Java 8+ Docker Maven Git client Chapter 1, Introduction to Microservices, will introduce you to the microservices architecture, cloud environment, etc. You will learn the difference between a microservice based application and a monolith application while also learning how to migrate to a microservices application. Chapter 2, Spring for Microservices, will introduce you Spring Boot framework. You will learn how to effictively use it to create microservice application. We will cover such topics like creating REST API using Spring MVC annotations, providing API documentation using Swagger2, and exposing health checks and metrics using Spring Boot Actuator endpoints. Chapter 3, Spring Cloud Overview, will provide a short description of the main projects being a part of Spring Cloud. It will focus on describing the main patterns implemented by Spring Cloud and assigning them to the particular projects. Chapter 4, Service Discovery, will describe a service discovery pattern with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka. You will learn how to run Eureka server in standalone mode and how to run multiple server instances with peer-to-peer replication. You will also learn how to enable discovery on the client side and register these clients in different zones. Chapter 5, Distributed Configuration with Spring Cloud Config, will describe how use distributed configuration with Spring Cloud Config in your applications. You will learn how to enable different backend repositories of property sources and push change notifications using Spring Cloud Bus. We will compare discovery first bootstrap and config first bootstrap approaches to illustrate integration between discovery service and configuration server. Chapter 6, Communication Between Microservices, will describe the most important elements taking a part in an inter-service communication: HTTP clients and load balancers. You will learn how to use Spring RestTemplate, Ribbon, and Feign clients with or without