Martin Kearns, Jeff Langr, Paul Lear, Lowell Lindstrom, Catherine Louis, Rune
Mai, Artem Marchenko, Kent McDonald, Susan McIntosh, Alicia McLain, Ulla
Merz, Ralph Miner, Brian Lewis Pate, Trond Pedersen, David Peterson, Roman
Pichler, Walter Ries, Adam Rogers, René Rosendahl, Kenny Rubin, Mike Russell,
Michael Sahota, George Schlitz, Lori Schubring, Raffi Simonian, Jamie Tischart,
Ryan Toone, Matt Truxaw, J. F. Unson, Srinivas Vadhri, Stefan van den Oord,
Bas Vodde, Bill Wake, Daniel Wildt, Trond Wingård, Rüdiger Wolf, Elizabeth
Woodward, Nick Xidis, Alicia Yanik, and Mauricio Zamora.
Thank you to Jeff Schaich who did a wonderful job creating the illustrations
for this book. When I was first introduced to Jeff, I was told he might be as much
of a perfectionist as I am. He may be, and his drawings show it.
Stephen Wilbers, author of Keys to Great Writing, provided some much needed
editing and advice early on. I am thankful for his suggestions and encouragement.
As always, the staff at Pearson was wonderful to work with. Chris Guzikowski
showed tremendous patience with me, especially early on when I refused to com-
mit to a deadline of any sort. Chris Zahn provided excellent guidance during those
early days when I was working to organize what I wanted to say. Jake McFarland
designed the interior of the book and did a wonderful job. Jake also showed tre-
mendous patience with my endless barrage of InDesign questions, for which I am
extremely thankful. Raina Chrobak was extremely helpful throughout the project,
but especially down the home stretch, which is always a frantic period.
Jovana San-Nicolas Shirley was fantastic as this book’s project editor. She kept
everything moving smoothly, coordinating each of us involved in the final months
of the project. I appreciate her willing replies to my e-mails at all hours of the day
and night. San Dee Phillips did a top-notch (or is it top notch?) job for the final
copy edit. I thank her for going over the manuscript at exactly the right level and
for so carefully finding all the last little errors that really polished the text.
Thank you as well to cover designer Alan Clements. What a beautiful cover!
Can you judge a book by its cover? I hope so based on the number of people who
have already told me they love this one. Lisa Stumpf did a marvelous job with our
indexing. She herself should be indexed under thorough and meticulous. Karen
Gill did the final proofreading and was fantastic at finding all the little inconsisten-
cies and problems. Kim Scott of Bumpy Design took care of the final page com-
position. I appreciate her joining at the end to help all of us make the deadline.
I would also like to thank Chris Guzikowski and Karen Gettman of Pearson
for offering me the opportunity to edit a Signature Series of books for Addison-
Wesley. I can still clearly remember sitting at Ken Kaplan’s place in Ben Lomond
in the woods of California in 1985 reading C Primer Plus. It was written by
Stephen Prata but was part of a series by Mitchell Waite. I didn’t know what a se-
ries editor did, but it sounded important and cool. Now I’m learning what a series
editor does and am incredibly honored by their confidence in me.
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