Research Article
The Deployment of Routing Protocols in
Distributed Control Plane of SDN
Zhou Jingjing, Cheng Di, Wang Weiming, Jin Rong, and Wu Xiaochun
College of Information & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Zhou Jingjing;
Received May ; Accepted July ; Published August
Academic Editor: Xiaoxuan Meng
Copyright © Zhou Jingjing et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Soware dened network (SDN) provides a programmable network through decoupling the data plane, control plane, and
application plane from the original closed system, thus revolutionizing the existing network architecture to improve the
performance and scalability. In this paper, we learned about the distributed characteristics of Kandoo architecture and, meanwhile,
improved and optimized Kandoo’s two levels of controllers based on ideological inspiration of RCP (routing control platform).
Finally, we analyzed the deployment strategies of BGP and OSPF protocol in a distributed control plane of SDN. e simulation
results show that our deployment strategies are superior to the traditional routing strategies.
1. Introduction
With the rapid development of science and technology, the
old-fashioned network architectures can not meet the various
needs for modern life. People want to change the existing
network architecture urgently and set out to redesign new
network architecture. e future network should have these
properties, such as the underlying data plane which is dumb,
simple, and minimal, the separation of control plane and data
plane, the control plane which can completely control the
entire network, and the upper layer which provides a com-
mon application programming interface of external parts. In
this way, researchers can program via calling API (applica-
tion programming interface) on the control plane to achieve
innovation of network.
Soware dened network is the powerful enabler of
owing innovative network ideas. SDN revolutionizes the
existing network architecture to provide the methods of pro-
grammable networks and decouples network architecture
into the data plane, control plane, and control plane applica-
tions. So, SDN separates the data plane and control plane and,
at the same time, improves the performance and scalability of
network. rough the functions of centralized control plane,
the open capabilities of network programming, SDN can
reduce or even get rid of the limitations of the network infras-
tructure and architecture to improve the network eciency.
control are still the core functions of the control plane. Cen-
tralized control of the routing causes some shortcomings,
such as the bottlenecks of performance, a failure of single
point, and poor scalability. We will research the deployment
of routing protocols in distributed control plane of SDN in
this paper. Currently, Kandoo is a hot spot of distributed
architecture of SDN; we will research the crucial problem of
routing protocol based on distributed architecture of Kandoo,
such as the internal communication in distributed control
plane and the deployment of distributed routing protocol.
e paper is organized as follows. Firstly, we research the
distributed architecture of Kandoo which changes the tradi-
tional architecture of single control unit to form a distributed
control plane architecture of multicontrol unit, thereby to
achieve interconnection of multiple controller units. en,
we will analyze the distributed routing protocol of SDN
and research the ecient implementation and deployment of
distributed control plane. en, we improved and optimized
the two levels of controller of Kandoo based on the idea
of RCP and analyzed the BGP and OSPF routing protocol
using the embodiment of SDN distributed control plane.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
e Scientific World Journal
Volume 2014, Article ID 918536, 8 pages