qcustomplot 2.1.1版本 瀑布图无colorMap->data()->set
时间: 2024-03-06 15:47:17 浏览: 180
您好,对于qcustomplot 2.1.1版本的瀑布图,如果没有设置colorMap的data,那么瀑布图将无法正确显示。您可以通过以下代码设置colorMap的data,其中data为二维数组,表示每个格子的值:
QCPColorMap *colorMap = new QCPColorMap(customPlot->xAxis, customPlot->yAxis);
int nx = 100; // number of cells in x-direction
int ny = 100; // number of cells in y-direction
colorMap->data()->setSize(nx, ny); // set the size of the data array
colorMap->data()->setRange(QCPRange(0, 1), QCPRange(0, 1)); // set the range of the data array
for (int x=0; x<nx; ++x)
for (int y=0; y<ny; ++y)
colorMap->data()->setCell(x, y, qSin(x/10.0)*qSin(y/10.0)); // set the value of each cell