解释代码def distance(start, end, name, diameter): m = len(name) link = np.zeros((m, m)) d = np.ones((m, m)) p_link_type = {} for mk in range(len(start)): # 管段数 mi = 0 mj = 0 num1 = 0 num2 = 0 for k in range(m): # 行数 if start[mk] == name[k]: mi = k num1 = 1 if end[mk] == name[k]: mj = k num2 = 1 if num1 + num2 == 2: link[mi, mj] = 1 d[mi, mj] = diameter[mk] break return link, d file_name = "数据/富满集输数据" df_node = pd.read_excel("{}.xlsx".format(file_name), "节点") df_link = pd.read_excel("{}.xlsx".format(file_name), "管段") time = 1 Num_N = len(df_node) # 节点数 NumDP = len(df_link) # 管道数 Ep, d= distance(df_link["起点"], df_link["终点"], df_node["名称"], df_link["管径"]) print(Ep, d)
时间: 2024-04-28 14:24:04 浏览: 156
This code defines a function called `distance` that takes four parameters: `start`, `end`, `name`, and `diameter`. The `start` and `end` parameters are lists of starting and ending nodes for pipeline segments, respectively. The `name` parameter is a list of node names, and the `diameter` parameter is a list of pipeline diameters.
Within the function, the length of `name` is determined and two 2D arrays, `link` and `d`, are initialized with zeros and ones, respectively. The `link` array is used to store information about which nodes are connected, and the `d` array is used to store the diameter of each pipeline segment.
The function then iterates over each pipeline segment, finding the starting and ending nodes and setting the corresponding values in `link` and `d`. Finally, the function returns `link` and `d`.
The code then reads in two Excel sheets using the `pandas` library and calls the `distance` function with appropriate parameters. The resulting `link` and `d` arrays are printed to the console.