时间: 2023-10-19 21:06:43 浏览: 79
import random
# 遗传算法参数设置
POP_SIZE = 100 # 种群数量
GENERATIONS = 1000 # 迭代次数
MUTATION_RATE = 0.05 # 变异率
# 生成初始种群
def generate_population(size, x_bound, y_bound):
pop = []
for i in range(size):
x = random.uniform(*x_bound)
y = random.uniform(*y_bound)
pop.append((x, y))
return pop
# 计算适应度
def fitness(individual, target):
x, y = individual
return -(x ** 2 + y ** 2 - target) # 最大化目标函数值
# 选择函数
def select(population, k=10):
return sorted(random.sample(population, k), key=lambda x: fitness(x, target), reverse=True)
# 交叉函数
def crossover(p1, p2):
c1 = (p1[0], p2[1])
c2 = (p2[0], p1[1])
return c1, c2
# 变异函数
def mutate(individual, x_bound, y_bound):
x, y = individual
if random.random() < MUTATION_RATE:
x = random.uniform(*x_bound)
if random.random() < MUTATION_RATE:
y = random.uniform(*y_bound)
return x, y
# 遗传算法主函数
def genetic_algorithm(x_bound, y_bound, target):
population = generate_population(POP_SIZE, x_bound, y_bound)
for i in range(GENERATIONS):
parents = select(population, k=2)
offspring = crossover(*parents)
offspring = [mutate(individual, x_bound, y_bound) for individual in offspring]
population = sorted(population, key=lambda x: fitness(x, target), reverse=True)
population = population[:POP_SIZE]
print(f"Generation {i+1}, Best Fitness: {fitness(population[0], target)}")
return population[0]
import random
# 蚁群算法参数设置
ALPHA = 1 # 信息素重要程度因子
BETA = 5 # 启发函数重要程度因子
RHO = 0.1 # 信息素挥发因子
Q = 100 # 常系数
ANT_COUNT = 50 # 蚂蚁数量
GENERATIONS = 200 # 迭代次数
# 生成城市坐标
def generate_cities(num_cities, x_bound, y_bound):
cities = []
for i in range(num_cities):
x = random.uniform(*x_bound)
y = random.uniform(*y_bound)
cities.append((x, y))
return cities
# 计算两个城市之间的距离
def distance(city1, city2):
x1, y1 = city1
x2, y2 = city2
return ((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) ** 0.5
# 计算启发函数
def heuristic(city1, city2):
return 1 / distance(city1, city2)
# 初始化信息素矩阵
def init_pheromone_matrix(num_cities):
return [[1 / (num_cities * num_cities) for j in range(num_cities)] for i in range(num_cities)]
# 蚂蚁类
class Ant:
def __init__(self, start_city, pheromone_matrix, alpha, beta):
self.start_city = start_city
self.pheromone_matrix = pheromone_matrix
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.tabu_list = [start_city]
self.total_distance = 0
# 选择下一个城市
def select_next_city(self):
current_city = self.tabu_list[-1]
unvisited_cities = [i for i in range(len(self.pheromone_matrix)) if i not in self.tabu_list]
if not unvisited_cities:
return -1
probabilities = []
for city in unvisited_cities:
pheromone = self.pheromone_matrix[current_city][city]
h = heuristic(self.tabu_list[0], city)
p = pheromone ** self.alpha * h ** self.beta
probabilities = [p / sum(probabilities) for p in probabilities]
next_city = random.choices(unvisited_cities, weights=probabilities)[0]
self.total_distance += distance(self.tabu_list[-2], self.tabu_list[-1])
return next_city
# 更新信息素
def update_pheromone_matrix(self, q):
for i in range(len(self.tabu_list)-1):
city1, city2 = self.tabu_list[i], self.tabu_list[i+1]
self.pheromone_matrix[city1][city2] += q / self.total_distance
# 重置蚂蚁状态
def reset(self):
self.tabu_list = [self.start_city]
self.total_distance = 0
# 蚁群算法主函数
def ant_colony_optimization(cities):
num_cities = len(cities)
pheromone_matrix = init_pheromone_matrix(num_cities)
ants = [Ant(i, pheromone_matrix, ALPHA, BETA) for i in range(num_cities)]
best_path = None
best_distance = float('inf')
for i in range(GENERATIONS):
for ant in ants:
while ant.select_next_city() != -1:
if ant.total_distance < best_distance:
best_path = ant.tabu_list
best_distance = ant.total_distance
pheromone_matrix = [[(1 - RHO) * pheromone for pheromone in row] for row in pheromone_matrix]
for i in range(num_cities-1):
for j in range(i+1, num_cities):
for ant in ants:
if (i == ant.tabu_list[-1] and j == ant.tabu_list[-2]) or (j == ant.tabu_list[-1] and i == ant.tabu_list[-2]):
pheromone_matrix[i][j] += Q / ant.total_distance
pheromone_matrix[j][i] = pheromone_matrix[i][j]
print(f"Generation {i+1}, Best Distance: {best_distance}")
return best_path, best_distance