时间: 2024-03-30 20:37:12 浏览: 119
`${k_appName}` 是一个 AndroidManifest.xml 文件中的字符串资源引用,它表示一个字符串资源的名称。你可以在项目的 /app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml 文件中找到这个字符串资源,并且可以通过在该文件中修改该字符串资源的值来改变 `${k_appName}` 表示的值。
检查一下这段代码import pandas as pd import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': spark = SparkSession.builder.\ appName("test").\ master("local[*]").\ getOrCreate() sc = spark.sparkContext pf = pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,2,3], 'name':'lala', 'lili':'cici', 'age':[22,33,20]}) df = spark.createDataFrame(pf) df.printSchema()
This code will create a Spark DataFrame based on a Pandas DataFrame.
Here's a breakdown of what each line does:
- `import pandas as pd`: import the Pandas library and alias it as `pd`.
- `import numpy as np`: import the NumPy library and alias it as `np`.
- `if __name__ == '__main__':`: this is a common Python idiom that checks if the script is being run as the main program.
- `spark = SparkSession.builder.\ appName("test").\ master("local[*]").\ getOrCreate()`: create a SparkSession object with the app name "test" and set the master to run locally using all available cores.
- `sc = spark.sparkContext`: get the SparkContext object from the SparkSession.
- `pf = pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,2,3], 'name':'lala', 'lili':'cici', 'age':[22,33,20]})`: create a Pandas DataFrame with four columns: 'id', 'name', 'lili', and 'age'.
- `df = spark.createDataFrame(pf)`: create a Spark DataFrame from the Pandas DataFrame.
- `df.printSchema()`: print the schema of the Spark DataFrame.
- ``: show the contents of the Spark DataFrame.
Overall, this code should work fine as long as you have Spark and Pandas installed and you're running it in a Spark environment.
1. 什么是线程名称?
2. 什么是日志级别?
3. 为什么需要记录应用程序名称?